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Burwood公园纪念军人服役;Chatswood 中学乐队达令港展示风华

斐济社区悉尼集会 要求斐济结束军政 统治,回归民主



















































































































能源的活动。希拉里 克林顿表示印度可以避免美国犯的错误,利用新技术减少二氧




新疆乌鲁木齐“七 五”事件中丧生的197人中,有12人是在当地公安干警的镇暴行
治区主席努尔 白克力昨天接受本报、路透社与土耳其世界新闻通讯社联合专访时透




美国提议湄公河4国合作框架 欲从中国收“失地”?



中澳铁矿石运量骤减 外媒猜测争端趋复杂


力拓"毁约门"卷走中国4000亿 "间谍门"损失千亿




中国增持美国国债 以短期国债为主


Israel Told to Halt East Jerusalem Housing Project

Israel on Sunday rejected a U.S. demand to suspend a planned housing project in east Jerusalem, threatening to further complicate an unusually tense standoff with its strongest ally over settlement construction. Israeli officials said the country's ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, was summoned to the State Department over the weekend and told that a project being developed by an American millionaire should not go ahead.

PM flatly rejects US demand to halt J'lem housing project

Jerusalem is the "unified capital of Israel and the capital of the Jewish people, and sovereignty over it is indisputable," Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday, responding to an American demand to put an end to a housing project to be built in east Jerusalem.

"Hundreds of apartments in the west of the city were purchased by Arabs and we didn't get involved. There is no prohibition against Arab residents buying apartments in the west of the city and there is no prohibition barring the city's Jewish residents from buying or building in the east of the city,"  "That is the policy of an open city that is not divided."

"We cannot accept the notion that Jews will not have the right to buy apartments specifically in Jerusalem. I can only imagine what would happen if they were forbidden from purchasing apartments in New York or London; there would be an international outcry. This has always been Israel's policy and this is the policy of the current government," the prime minister added.

Netanyahu's remarks came after Ambassador to Washington Michael Oren was summoned to the US State Department over the week-end and was told that the Obama administration wanted Israel to put an end to construction work at the site of the historic Shepherd's Hotel in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

Rafsanjani sermon receives mixed reviews

The Friday Prayers sermon delivered by Iran's former president Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani has produced mixed reactions within the country's political circles.

The current head of the Expediency Council, who led the Friday Prayers at Tehran University for the first time since the reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said that the ambiguities surrounding the June 12 vote had broken the Iranian nation's trust in the establishment.

"Doubt has been cast," he said. "There are two groups; one has no doubt and is moving ahead, while the other [group], that is not few in number, says it has doubts. We need to take action to remove this doubt."

Thousands of defiant opposition supporters staged rallies in streets leading to the University campus, shouting slogans in support of the influential cleric. The spontaneous protest held despite a ban on such gatherings was dispersed by riot police.

Rafsanjani went on to emphasize on the importance of the people's will as one of the cornerstones of the Revolution.

"The late Imam always said I want what the people want and you must make every effort to capture their [ the people's] hearts," he said referring to the late the Founder of the Islamic Revolution.

"Even in drawing up the Constitution, Imam Khomeini assigned an important role to the people," he added.

Rafsanjani's focus on popular legitimacy, however, prompted a member of Iran's electoral watchdog, the Guardian Council, Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi to criticize the senior cleric.

"In Islam, the legitimacy of a government is granted by God and its acceptance by the people," ISNA news agency quoted Ayatollah Yazdi as saying.

"While without the people's acceptance no Islamic government can function, this does not give the establishment its legitimacy… this important principle has been overlooked by Mr. Hashemi."

Tehran lawmaker Bijan Nobaveh also criticized Rafsanjani for saying that the election dispute had thrown the country into a crisis.

"The so-called crisis is Mr. Rafsanjani's personal interpretation of the situation," Nobaveh said.

Leader of the Association of Teachers and Researchers Ayatollah Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi on the other hand praised the sermon and called on officials to consider Rafsanjani's words of advice.

"By freeing detainees, relaxing media restrictions and condoling with the families of the victims of the unrest, officials can create an atmosphere where the people do not feel they are ruled by a certain group," Ayatollah Mousavi Tabriz said on Saturday.

Gholam-Hossein Karbaschi, a top adviser to defeated Reformist candidate Mehdi Karroubi on Saturday described Rafsanjani's comments as having great significance.

"It attracted a large number of people from all walks of life, to prove their presence [on the country's political stage]," he said.

The former mayor of the country's capital, said while the sermon addressed the concerns of "a significant number" of people, it also provided officials with solutions to effectively manage the "crisis".

Iranian Cleric Is Seeking the Mantle of Khomeini

After withdrawal, Iraq moves to restrict US forces

The Iraqi government has taken a step forward for a more independent handling of the country's affairs, imposing new restrictions on US activities in Iraq.

Following a security accord between Baghdad and Washington, which ended the presence of US troops on the streets of Iraq on June 30, the Baghdad Operations Command issued a letter to top US commanders limiting their movements in the city.

Iraq's top commanders called on their US counterparts to "stop all joint patrols" in Baghdad, banning US resupply convoys from traveling in day time.

Iraqi officials have also called on their US counterparts for an immediate notification in the event of "any violations of the agreement."

The new restrictions, which were issued soon after American soldiers withdrew to military bases on July 2, have raised concerns among US commanders who believe the new limits would endanger the safety of their troops.

If insurgents realize "some of the limitations that we have, that's a vulnerability they could use against us," a senior US military intelligence official argued.

Another US commander, however, described the new limitation as a result of mistranslation of the security pact.

Commander of the Baghdad division Major General Daniel P. Bolger called the limits "contrary to the spirit and practice of our last several months of operations," adding that US forces will engage in combat operations in urban areas to avert or respond to threats, with or without help from the Iraqis.

"Maybe something was 'lost in translation'. We are not going to hide our support role in the city. I'm sorry the Iraqi politicians lied/dissembled/spun, but we are not invisible nor should we be," Bolger wrote in an e-mail obtained by The Washington Post.

"This is a broad right and it demands that we patrol, raid and secure routes as necessary to keep our forces safe," he wrote. "We'll do that, preferably partnered", he added.

The US commander's insistence on the continuation of combat comes despite an agreement with Iraqi authorities, under which US combat operations across Iraq are due to end by September 2010 and all US troops will be out of the country by the end of 2011.

In Afghan war, UK borrows Russian helicopters

With Britain's prime minister under attack for under-equipping the armed forces, a report adds fuel to the fire, revealing that a shortage of helicopters has forced British forces in Afghanistan to use Russian choppers to fight the Taliban.

A report by The Mail on Sunday claimed that the Ministry of Defense is using civilian Russian-built Mi-8 and Mi-26 transport helicopters with freelance Russian and Ukrainian pilots to transport supplies and soldiers in Afghanistan.

The conservative opposition in Britain has accused Prime Minister Gordon Brown of denying vital resources to British troops in Afghanistan.

The shortage of military hardware and equipment and in particular helicopters has been cited as one of the main reasons behind rising UK casualties in the Afghan war.

Critics argue that the shortage of helicopters has forced troops to travel by road and left them vulnerable to Taliban roadside bombs.

The Prime Minister, however, has defended himself by saying that "British armed forces are better equipped today than at any time... in the past 40 years."

"In the last two years we have increased helicopter numbers by 60 percent and... capacity by 84 percent," Brown told the House of Commons.

While the US reportedly has 120 helicopters in Afghanistan, Britain's armed forces have less than 30.

The Mail also added that the Army has borrowed commercial Russian Antonov aircraft to transfer vehicles and heavy equipment to Afghanistan.