4300人。 根据美军最新行动计划,所有美军士兵本月之后将不会继续在伊拉克街头
将在明年9月底之前结束。 奥巴马承诺在2011年之前完成美军从伊拉克的撤军。未来将只有小部分美军在伊拉克承担训练伊拉克军人任务。
巴基斯坦政府军向北部斯瓦特山谷地区一个塔利班的重要据点挺进。在那之前,政府军星期天控制了斯瓦特地区首府明戈拉。巴基斯坦军队星期天晚间向查巴镇挺进。这里的宵禁已经解除,使平民可以逃离。巴基斯坦军队星期天向这一地区散发了传单,警告这里的居民在政府军对塔利班力量可能发动进攻之前撤离。巴基斯坦国防部长赛义德 阿塔尔 阿里星期天表示,在斯瓦特和周边地区的攻势可能在几天之内结束。星期一,巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里下令紧急拨款600万美元,救助在最近的冲突中流离失所的大约250万平民。
以色列总理内塔尼亚胡星期一对一个议会委员会说,他将不会停止现有约旦河西岸定居点的扩建。出席了这次闭门会议的官员说,内塔尼亚胡总理说,他不能冻结现有定居点的生活 。他重申了与美国总统奥巴马举行会谈后5月份对内阁的讲话。奥巴马总统要求以色列停止所有定居点建设,以此作为与巴勒斯坦人和平谈判的一个步骤。内塔尼亚胡承诺拆除一些所谓“前哨”定居站。这些地方的兴建没有得到以色列批准。但是,有数十万居民居住的约旦河西岸社区被以色列视为合法。
南奥塞梯官员说,执政党统一党和其它两个支持长期分离主义领导人爱德华 科科伊特的政党以压倒优势赢得了议会选举。这是南奥塞梯自去年战争以来的第一次议会选举。这个从格鲁吉亚分离出去的地区的初步计票结果显示,统一党赢得了将近一半的议席。统一党将与共产党共同主导拥有34个席位的议会。共产党赢得将近四分之一选票,人民党赢得将近20%选票。反对党祖国社会主义党获得的选票不到7%。反对派领导人呼吁抵制星期天的选举,并指责科科伊特压制不同政见以及恐吓批评者。俄罗斯在挫败格鲁吉亚试图以武力重新控制南奥塞梯的努力后,承认南奥塞梯和从格鲁吉亚分离的阿布哈兹为独立国家。
通用汽车将申请破产 开启汽车业新时代
中国国家能源局(National Energy Administration)局长张国宝周一表示,中国经
Bankrupt G.M. Says It Owes $172 Billion
General Motors filed for bankruptcy on Monday morning, submitting its reorganization papers to a federal clerk in Lower Manhattan in a move that President Obama said marked “the end of an old General Motors and the beginning of a new General Motors.”The bankruptcy of a once-proud auto giant that helped to define the nation’s car culture and played a part in creating the American middle class immediately rippled across the country, part of a process that the president said would take “a painful toll on many Americans” but lead ultimately to a strong company ready to compete in the 21st century.
In its bankruptcy petition, G.M. said it had $82.3 billion in assets and $172.8 billion in debts. Its largest creditors were the Wilmington Trust Company, representing a group of bondholders holding $22.8 billion in debts, and affiliates of the United Auto Workers union, representing nearly $20.6 billion in employee obligations.
In a court affidavit, Fritz Henderson, G.M.’s chief executive, said that bankruptcy and a Treasury-sponsored sale of General Motors’ assets to a so-called “New G.M.” were the automaker’s only option to move forward. Failing that, he said, the company faced liquidation.
The company was forced into the filing by President Obama, who is betting that by temporarily nationalizing the onetime icon of American capitalism, he can save at least a diminished automaker that is competitive.
North Korea May Test Another Missile
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Monday that North Korea may be preparing to launch another long-range missile that would be theoretically capable of reaching Alaska and Hawaii as well as American military targets in Japan and Guam.
But North Korea’s two most recent launchings of long-range missiles, including one in April, were failures, and Mr. Gates spoke with little sense of urgency.
“We have seen some signs that they may be doing something with another Taepodong-2 missile, but at this point it’s not clear what they’re going to do,” Mr. Gates said, referring to North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missile. He made his remarks during a joint news conference in Manila with Gilberto C. Teodoro Jr., the Philippine secretary of national defense.
U.S. Weighs Tactics on Israeli Settlement
As President Obama prepares to head to the Middle East this week, administration officials are debating how to toughen their stance against any expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
The measures under discussion — all largely symbolic — include stepping back from America’s near-uniform support for Israel in the United Nations if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel does not agree to a settlement freeze, administration officials said.
Other measures include refraining from the instant Security Council veto of United Nations resolutions that Israel opposes and making use of Mr. Obama’s bully pulpit to criticize the settlements, officials said. Placing conditions on loan guarantees to Israel, as the first President Bush did nearly 20 years ago, is not under discussion, officials said.
Still, talk of even symbolic actions that would publicly show the United States’ ire with Israel, its longtime ally, would be a sharp departure from the previous administration, which limited its distaste with Israel’s settlement expansions to carefully worded diplomatic statements that called them “unhelpful.”
Mr. Obama is to give a much-anticipated speech to the Muslim world from Egypt on Thursday. “There are things that could get the attention of the Israeli public,” a senior administration official said, touching on the widespread belief within the administration that any Israeli prime minister risks political peril if the Israeli electorate views him as endangering the country’s relationship with the United States.
But, the official added, “Israel is a critical United States ally, and no one in this administration expects that not to continue.” He spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly.
White House officials said Mr. Obama would not make the Cairo speech entirely about the Arab-Israeli conflict, but would instead seek to engage Muslims on the panoply of issues facing Islam and the West, including Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran.
But the core issue, administration officials said, is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. “I want to use the occasion to deliver a broader message about how the United States can change for the better its relationship with the Muslim world,” Mr. Obama told reporters last week. “But certainly, the issue of Middle East peace is something that is going to need to be addressed. It is a critical factor in the minds of many Arabs in countries throughout the region and beyond the region.”
'US may use UN to pressure Israel on W. Bank building'
President Barack Obama is considering using its influence in the United Nations to pressure Israel into halting construction in the West Bank, the New York Times reported on Monday.
According to the report, should Jerusalem refuse to stop expanding existing settlements, the United States would no longer automatically veto resolutions targeting Israel in the UN general assembly. Government officials told the paper, however, that the president would not place conditions on loan guarantees to further up the pressure.
UN begins Israeli war crimes inquiry
A UN team headed by South African judge Richard Goldstone has begun its fact-finding mission to probe "war crimes" committed by Israel during the war on Gaza. The four-member committee is tasked with investigating reports on war crimes committed by Israeli troops during the last December military operation in the Gaza Strip.
More alleged Israeli spies detained
Lebanese security officials announce the arrest of an army colonel and a senior retired customs officer on suspicion of espionage on behalf of Israel.
In the ongoing espionage investigation, the army officer was the second colonel arrested in less than a week, the officials said on Sunday. They added that at least 21 suspects have been charged and several confessions have been obtained.
Lebanese authorities have called on Israel to repatriate the two spies that fled to that country last week. Senior Lebanese security officials say the arrests have dealt a major blow to Israel's spying network in Lebanon. They have said that many of the suspects played key roles in identifying Hezbollah targets that were bombed during the 34-day war, in which Israel suffered a severe blow.
Other suspects have been charged with monitoring senior Hezbollah officials and at least one is alleged to have played a role in the 2004 assassination of a commander of the group.
US fatalities in Iraq highest in 8 months
The 24 US deaths in May included 12 soldiers who died in non-combat incidents, comparing with 25 deaths in September. Last month, several attacks targeted US soldiers, including a roadside bomb near a market in southern Baghdad on May 21 that killed three American troops.
'Ahamdinejad leading polls in major cities'
A recent poll conducted in Iran's major cities suggests that incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is leading the other four contenders. According to the poll, published on Monday by Rajanews which has close links to the president, nearly 53 percent of those surveyed support Ahmadinejad's bid for a second-term in office.
Another hopeful Mir-Hossein Mousavi, viewed as the incumbent president's main rival, has seen a sudden decline in popularity with only 36 percent favoring him as the next president, the poll revealed.
"Recent studies indicate that following an unprecedented increase; 70 percent of the eligible voters say they would cast ballot on the Election Day," Rajanews reported, suggesting that those who have recently decided to partake in the election mostly support Ahmadinejad.
On June 12, Iran will hold the 10th presidential elections since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. |