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Burwood公园纪念军人服役;Chatswood 中学乐队达令港展示风华

斐济社区悉尼集会 要求斐济结束军政 统治,回归民主










































































































朝鲜划定日本海域禁航区 或拟再次发射导弹


朝鲜判两名美国女记者重刑 劳教12年

朝鲜民主主义人民共和国中央法院于6月4日至8日对美国记者劳拉 玲和尤娜李进行了审理。法院认为,两人的朝鲜民族敌对罪和非法出入境罪罪名成立,分别判处两人劳教12年。



韩国拟定计划 反击朝鲜导弹



北韩国防委员长金正日的长子金正男在7日播放的《日本电视》中表示,小弟金正云很可能成为父亲的接班人,同时还否认自己流亡的传言。 报道说,金正男说接班人问题完全是由金正日决定的事情,因此没有必要向包括他在内的其他人通知决定,并说他将和过去一样,今后也不干预此事。金正男就最近与他亲近的人士开始被肃清的媒体报道表示:“那种报道完全是编造的,我目前拥有北韩市民权居住在中国大陆和澳门。绝没有从北韩流亡的事情。”

金正日之子金正云崇拜施瓦辛格 爱看《终结者》

朝鲜最高领导人金正日的三儿子金正云昔日同窗好友7日透露,在瑞士伯尔尼国际学院求学期间,金正云是“世界上最强壮的男人”阿诺德 施瓦辛格的粉丝,爱看好莱

安理会对北决议欲列入搜船 中俄反对

方案包括联合国成员国可以在公海上搜查可疑的北韩船只。现有1718号决议限于导弹和核武器等大规模杀伤性武器视为问题,而此次决议案则将对象扩大到“所有武器、所有相关物资” 。 中国和俄罗斯称,在公海上搜查主权国家船只违反国际法。










美国政府问责局通过一项秘密调查发现,在美国可以轻易购得用于制造核武器和导弹的敏感军事技术,然后顺利出口到其他国家。 据美国司法部介绍,已有超过145名被告遭到违反出口管理法令的有罪指控,其中约43%的案件涉及将这些部件非法转移到中国或者伊朗。美国国务院、商务部和司法机构的多名官员还表示,他们对美国政府问责局发现的情况并不感到惊奇。

国連安保理 決議採択へ足踏み


航行禁止 韓国も情報収集急ぐ


S.Korea: N.Korea shipping ban not confirmed

South Korea says it has not confirmed whether North Korea intends to ban navigation in waters off its eastern coast. But it says North Korea may be preparing for more missile tests.

Officials say the missile launch could be timed for a meeting in Washington between South Korean President Lee Myung Bak and US President Barack Obama on June 16th.

North Korea launched 2 short-range missiles over the Sea of Japan on May 25th on the same day it announced its second nuclear test. It fired 3 more missiles on the following day and one on May 29th.

South Korea has recently observed what appear to be moves to prepare for a medium-range ballistic missile launch from a base in Kittaeryong in eastern North Korea.

U.S. Weighs Intercepting North Korean Shipments

The Obama administration signaled Sunday that it was seeking a way to interdict, possibly with China’s help, North Korean sea and air shipments suspected of carrying weapons or nuclear technology.

The reference to interdictions — preferably at ports or airfields in countries like China, but possibly involving riskier confrontations on the high seas — was made by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was the highest-ranking official to talk publicly about such a potentially provocative step as a response to North Korea’s second nuclear test, conducted two weeks ago.

While Mrs. Clinton did not specifically mention assistance from China, other administration officials have been pressing Beijing to take such action under Chinese law.

Deadly Baghdad blast strikes bus

A bomb explosion on a minibus has killed seven people and wounded dozens more at a bus terminal in southern Baghdad, Iraqi officials say.

The attack took place on Monday in a majority Shia neighbourhood of Dora--a mixed district, has been one of the Iraqi capital's most dangerous areas.

"Seven people were killed and 24 wounded after an IED (improvised explosive device) was attached to the bus," an interior ministry official said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast.

Israel declares settlement war against US

Israel is not only ignoring international calls to halt its illegal settlement expansion but it has also declared that it will support the activity even stronger then before.

Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai declared on Sunday that he would use all resources in the Interior Ministry, "its branches and its influences over local government" to expand Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Yishai, who is chairman of the Shas Party, has also voiced concern over freeze on construction of settlements in some areas that has been put into effect since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took office.

The Israeli minister said that such a freeze is "dying out" the settlements.

Yishai has instructed officials in his ministry to lend full support to settlers, by allowing them to continuously erect new buildings in the major West Bank settlements, Haaretz reported.

"There were understandings with previous administrations in the United States that allowed us to build in keeping with natural population increase and certainly within the limits of the settlements." Yishai said. "Any steps the United States intends to take in the Middle East will have to be equitable. It is not right to start to enforce the issue of construction and not to make it equitable," he added.

Netanyahu to lay out 'peace plans'

At the start of his weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said "it must be understood, we seek peace with the Palestinians and with the states of the Arab world while trying to reach maximum understanding with the United States and our friends abroad".

While Netanyahu has declared his commitment to peace before, he has avoided directly addressing how he plans to reach any agreement while remaining unwilling to give up control of most of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The Palestinians demand that the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem be part of their future state and refuse to engage in peace talks until Israel agrees to freeze settlement construction and endorse a Palestinian state.

Half a million Jews currently live in settlement blocks in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Senior Israeli officials accuse Obama of not respecting an understanding Israel had with the Bush administration that included an exception for so-called "natural growth" of families already living in settlements.

But Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, told ABC news in an interview on Sunday that there was no official record of any such agreement.

Under the Bush administration, Israel had enjoyed near unwavering support from Washington on many contentious issues, including settlement expansion.

But in speeches in Egypt and Europe this past week, Obama continued to press for a settlement freeze and for the pursuit of a two-state solution.

Obama said that Washington "does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements" in his speech in Egypt.

But Netanyahu's right-wing coalition is committed to Israel's settlements and any shift on that position risks the collapse of the coalition.

Obama plans to dispatch George Mitchell, his envoy to the Middle East, to the region this week in an attempt to persuade Israelis and Palestinians to resume talks.

Mitchell has long advocated the need for a settlement freeze as mandatory for any tangible progress on peacemaking.

Israel’s Premier Promises Major Peace Plan

All Hezbollah candidates go to parliament

Lebanon's elections results show that the ruling pro-Western coalition has won 69 seats in the 128-seat parliament while the Hezbollah-led bloc has won 57 seats. Two seats are still undecided. Hezbollah managed to get all of its eleven candidates elected.

There are a number of controversial issues surrounded the Lebanese elections. Reports said that a big number of Sunni expatriates have been flown in to the country to go mainly to the Christian districts of Lebanon which were the main battle ground to vote for the ruling pro-Western coalition. There are also reports that Saudi Arabia has spent a big money to buy votes in Lebanon to increase the chances for March 14 to win the elections.

Fraud halts India, Israeli arms deals

New Delhi has suspended all arms trade with Tel Aviv after blacklisting Israel Military Industries (IMI) over corruption allegations.

The Indian government says the contracts were halted for alleged 'illicit trading and bribery'.

The move, which came after the former head of India's Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) Sudipto Ghosh was arrested on corruption charges, puts billions of dollars worth of defense contracts at risk.

Ghosh is accused of receiving bribes from the arms manufacturers to favor them in arms purchase projects with OFB.

IMI had signed a $24 million contract with OFB under which it was about to set up an ordnance complex of five plants in northern India to manufacture 155mm Bi-Modular Charge Systems (BMCS) and other propellant charges for heavy caliber artillery ammunition for the army.

Arms trading between New Delhi and Tel Aviv, which is India's second biggest arm supplier after Russia, dates back to early 1990s, so far they have inked deals amounting to $8 billion.

Last month, India received the first of three Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) planes from Israel it purchased for $1.1 billion in 2004.