北韩问题 美高官热谈中国作用
美高官:接班人已敲定 朝可能重返六方核谈
美国首席气候变化谈判代表乔纳森 潘兴日前表示,在2020年之前不会要求这些国家削减温室气体排放总量。
透明国际(Transparency International)的报告指出,该组织在全球进行的抽样调查显示,53%的受访民众认为私营经济部门是腐败的。透明国际政策和研究部主任罗宾.霍德斯说,私营部门在公众心目中的形象恶化是这个报告最令人忧虑的发现之一。她说:“报告结果显示,公众认为腐败和行贿受贿不再是政府部门独有的现象。他们开始把私营企业看成是腐败现象的共同参与者。”她说:“金融危机吸引了公众对私营企业的角色、以及保险公司、审计者等行使监督职能的机构的关注。我们认为,金融危机和缺乏透明度有最直接的联系。而现在,在坚固的基础上重建全球经济更加需要透明度。”
Obama Calls for Alliances With Muslims
Mr. Obama said Israel must curtail its expansion of West bank settlements and recognize Palestinian aspirations for statehood.
“Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel’s right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestine’s,” ... “The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop.”
“The only resolution is for the aspirations of both sides to be met through two states, where Israelis and Palestinians each live in peace and security.”
“We have a responsibility to join together on behalf of the world we seek,” he said. “A world where extremists no longer threaten our people, and American troops have come home; a world where Israelis and Palestinians are each secure in a state of their own, and nuclear energy is used for peaceful purposes; a world where governments serve their citizens, and the rights of all God’s children are respected.”
Obama in Cairo: The Making of a Prophet?
Israelis Say Bush Agreed to West Bank Growth
Senior Israeli officials accused President Obama on Wednesday of failing to acknowledge what they called clear understandings with the Bush administration that allowed Israel to build West Bank settlement housing within certain guidelines while still publicly claiming to honor a settlement “freeze.”
The Israeli officials said that repeated discussions with Bush officials starting in late 2002 resulted in agreement that housing could be built within the boundaries of certain settlement blocks as long as no new land was expropriated, no special economic incentives were offered to move to settlements and no new settlements were built.
When Israel signed on to the so-called road map for a two-state solution in 2003, with a provision that says its government “freezes all settlement activity (including natural growth of settlements),” the officials said, it did so after a detailed discussion with Bush administration officials that laid out those explicit exceptions--Israel agreed to the road map and to move ahead with the removal of settlements and soldiers from Gaza in 2005 on the understanding that settlement growth could continue.
But a former senior official in the Bush administration disagreed. “There was never an agreement to accept natural growth,”... “There was an effort to explore what natural growth would mean, but we weren’t able to reach agreement on that.”
A second senior Bush administration official said Wednesday: “We talked about a settlement freeze with four elements. One was no new settlements, a second was no new confiscation of Palestinian land, one was no new subsidies and finally, no construction outside the settlements.” He described that fourth condition, which applied to natural growth, as similar to taking a string and tying it around a settlement, and prohibiting any construction outside that string. But, he added, “We had a tentative agreement, but that was contingent on drawing up lines, and this is a process that never got done, therefore the settlement freeze was never formalized and never done.”
A third former Bush administration official, Elliott Abrams, who was on the National Security Council staff, wrote an opinion article in The Washington Post in April that seemed to endorse the Israeli argument.
The Israeli officials acknowledged that the new American administration had different ideas about the meaning of the term “settlement freeze.” Mr. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have said in the past week that the term means an end to all building, including natural growth.
But the Israeli officials complained that Mr. Obama had not accepted that the previous understandings existed. Instead, they lamented, Israel now stood accused of having cheated and dissembled in its settlement activity whereas, in fact, it had largely lived within the guidelines to which both governments had agreed.
US president defends Iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy
"any nation - including Iran - should have the right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with its responsibilities under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty."
Obama said, the US would "proceed with courage, rectitude and resolve" to solve the Iranian nuclear issue. His vision, as he laid it out in the speech, was for "a world in which no nations hold nuclear weapons."
Full text of Obama's Cairo address
Peres: Time is ripe to end conflict
"The time is ripe to end the Israeli-Arab conflict"..."Support from the entire Arab world will provide legitimacy for the Palestinian Authority as it approaches the difficult task of making and then implementing historic compromises," Peres wrote. "At the same time it may reassure Israel that the painful concessions it will make will be rewarded by a broader, more enduring comprehensive peace across the region."
He went on to say that while the Arab peace initiative was a positive step, Israel should not be expected to agree to all of its clauses as it did not take part in its formulation. Meanwhile, he acknowledged that Israel too could not impose its own wording on other parties, and that common ground must be sought.
Iran: Obama's speech can't fix US image
Khamenei said that efforts by the new American administration to change the "ugly, detested and rough" face of the United States will not be earned solely by "words, speech and slogan." He said the Muslim world is instead looking for practical changes to US policies.
Also Thursday, Hamas made seemingly conciliatory statements ahead of Obama's address. In a letter to Obama, Hamas Foreign Ministry official Ahmed Youssef welcomed Obama's outreach to Muslims and wrote that his group is committed to a "just solution" to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Americans 'negative' about Muslims
As Barack Obama, the US president, seeks to mend the image of the US in the Muslim world, a new survey indicates almost half of Americans have a negative opinion about Muslim countries.
The 46 per cent of respondents who held an unfavourable view of Islamic nations was up five per cent from 2002, while just 20 per cent said they held a positive opinion.
About 60 per cent of Americans feel that the Muslim world considers itself at war with the US, and there is a widespread impression that Islam encourages violence - 45 per cent of respondents in a 2007 poll associated the religion with violent attacks.
On the other side, surveys of Muslim countries show only about 25 per cent of people approve of US leadership.
Joel Fitzgibbon resigns as Defence Minister
Mr Fitzgibbon was forced to apologise to parliament late on Tuesday night for failing to declare accommodation paid for by the private health insurance company his brother Mark heads, NIB.
In March, the minister was forced to correct the public record after it emerged he had not declared travel paid for by controversial Chinese-Australian businesswoman Helen Liu.
The resignation comes after it was revealed ministerial staff in the defence portfolio instructed a general to attend meetings with his brother at which defence health contracting was discussed.
Major-General Paul Alexander, who is in charge of defence health services, told Senate estimates staff of a junior minister and Defence staff told him to attend the meetings attended by Mark Fitzgibbon.