美国拟明确“核保护伞” 转变对朝政策加强施压
“由于金正云偷偷跟我一起抽烟,有一次问我:‘我每天在海边玩jet skiing(水上摩托车)或到外面骑马、轮滑等,不知道一般老百姓是怎么生活?’当时他才18岁,突然向我提出老百姓的生活问题,让我感到很惊讶。”
Russia, US may reduce nuclear warheads to 1,500 each
Russia and the United States may reduce the
number of their nuclear warheads to 1,500 each, Commander of the
Russian Strategic Missile Troops Colonel-General Nikolai Solovtsov
said on Wednesday. “Russia and the United States may reduce the
number of their nuclear warheads to 1,500 each. But this will depend
from a decision of the military and political leadership of the
countries,” he said.
Car bomb rips through south Iraq market, 32 killed
Police locked down Al Bathaa, a Shia Muslim town
30 km west of Nassariya that has seen little
violence, while hospital officials appealed for
assistance from neighbouring cities to help them
cope with the wounded. Colonel Aziz al-Atabi,
media director for the Iraqi army's 10th
division, said 32 people had been killed and 70
Death Toll in Pakistan Bomb Now 16
Pakistan puts down 70 militants in NWFP
Pakistani forces have killed
at least 70 militants over two days of clashes in the Bannu
district of the volatile North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).
"More than 70 militants have been killed during two days of
operation in Baka Khel and Jani Khel areas of FR Bannu,”
said a Pakistani official.
Iraq Moves Ahead With Vote on U.S. Security Pact
The Iraqi government is pressing ahead with plans to hold
a national referendum on the Iraqi-American security
agreement — a measure likely to lose if put to a popular
vote with the outcome that American troops could be forced
to leave as early as next summer, nearly a year and half
ahead of schedule.
American diplomats are quietly
lobbying the government not to hold
the referendum, but so far Iraqi
politicians have decided to go ahead
with it to avoid appearing to be in
the pocket of the Americans in an
election year.
Barak urges PM to endorse 2 states
Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Wednesday
called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to publicly embrace the
Road Map and accept US President Barack Obama's Middle East peace
initiative. "You know the government is made up of several parties.
Our party, the Labor party, joined the government, among other
reasons, because we agreed that this government will abide by all
agreements made by previous governments. That's why we think we
should clearly state that we commend President Obama's initiative,
that we are committed to the Road Map and that we want two states
for two peoples, all this without compromising on our security
Israel zeroes in on Obama's 2-year deadline
With US President Barack Obama having allegedly set
a two-year deadline for the formation of a
Palestinian homeland, Tel Aviv moves to bring the US
plan under question.
Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Yaalon on
Tuesday floated the idea that the quest for a
Palestinian state is not likely to bear fruit for
around five years -- which is well after President
Obama leaves the White House.
Faced with global criticism over its policies
against the natives of the land, the Israeli
government has snubbed US calls for the
establishment of a Palestinian state as well as
requests for a freeze in Israeli settlement
activities in Palestinian territories.
In an address at the Washington Institute for Near
East Policy, Yaalon claimed that the "instant peace"
plan sought by Obama may lead to the establishment
of "Hamastan" in the West Bank.
Yaalon insisted that the Israeli occupation and
settlement activities do not constitute major
obstacles to peace and blamed the Israeli failure to
relinquish control of Palestinian lands in the past
sixty years on Palestinians who "do not accept that
the two state solution".
"In their view, one state should be the Palestinian
state and the national identity of the other state
should remain undefined, so that in the future it
can become a Palestinian state as well," he claimed.
The speech comes at a time that an unprecedented
rift has been developed between the US and Israel
since the new government in Tel Aviv rejected the
road map agreement.
Although the US image has been marred as a result of
its decades of unrelenting support for Israeli
aggression, Tel Aviv has accused the incumbent
president in the White House of meddling in its
internal affairs.
Yaalon also proposed that a different "road map" be
adopted for the realization of peace.
"We believe that an almost exclusively top down
approach that characterizes the way the Palestinian
issue was handled under the Oslo and Annapolis
processes should be replaced by a determined
performance based, bottom up approach that
characterizes the road map," he said.
US: No intention to invade North Korea
President Barack Obama's special envoy issued
a plea for renewed international dialogue and explicitly ruled out
any military action against the communist country. "North Korea's
recent actions to develop a nuclear and intercontinental ballistic
missile capacity require that we expand our consideration of new
responses, including our force posture and extended deterrence
options," Bosworth said.
N. Korea: US may provoke nuclear war in Peninsula
North Korean media hints that a US pledge to extend its
nuclear umbrella to Japan and South Korea would be
considered as 'declaration of a nuclear war' in the troubled
The commentary, which first appeared in the official
newspaper of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea on
Wednesday, strongly condemned the expansion of the nuclear
umbrella in Southeast Asia.
Senior officials in Washington have said that the US will do
what it deems necessary for the security of its allies in
the troubled region.
The US already maintains a nuclear umbrella over South
Korea. The security measure was taken after the Korean War
ended in 1953. However, there has never been a written
agreement over the umbrella.
The commentary also called US President Obama's vision for a
world without nuclear weapons as "falsehood."
"If the United States seriously wants nuclear disarmament,
it should set an example by carrying it out itself."