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北韩表示成功地进行了一次地下核试验,这种无视国际社会警告的举动引起人们对 北韩核武器计划的担忧。北韩表示星期一的核试验比两年半以前北韩第一次核试验 的威力更大。韩国联合通讯社还报道说,北韩在进行这次核试验的几小时后试射了一枚短程导弹。美国总统奥巴马星期一早上表示,报道中所说的这些试验是需要严重关注的问题,国际社会应该对此采取行动。他说,“北韩的行动公然藐视了联合国安理会,对国际社会发出了直接的、不计后果的挑战”。俄罗斯常驻联合国代表说,联合国安理会星期一将召开特别会议来讨论这一问题。俄罗斯目前是安理会的轮值主席国。俄罗斯国防部长说,这次核爆炸的当量达到20千吨,相当于美国1945年 在日本长崎投掷的原子弹。世界各地的地震学家都报告说,北韩东北部出现一次震 颤,接近平壤2006年10月首次核试验的地点。


朝鲜25日强行实施核试验以后,下午又在咸镜北道花台郡舞水端里和江原道元山发 射了3枚地对空导弹。军方人士分析认为,发射导弹的舞水端里地区与强行进行核试 验的吉州地区相距不远,朝鲜有可能是为了警告和阻止美、日军方侦察机收集核试 验信息而进行的。


朝鲜驻俄罗斯莫斯科使馆一位高级官员25日称,朝鲜可能将继续进行多次核子试验, 除非美国停止对朝鲜的威胁政策。







美国要求以色列遏制定居点活动的问题成为以色列内阁会议的主题。内塔尼亚胡告 诉内阁说,以色列不会再建设新的约旦河西岸定居点,但将继续建设现已有的社区, 以适应“自然增长 ”。以色列政府在这个问题上存在分歧。巴勒斯坦官员说,在内 塔尼亚胡同意在定居点冻结建筑之前,他们不会和以色列恢复和平谈判。


一个哈马斯军事法院判处巴勒斯坦法塔赫派的三名成员死刑,这三名成员在2007年 杀害了两名记者。哈马斯内政部星期天说,法院判处对三名犯人实行枪决。目前还 没有确定处决法塔赫成员的沙迪.马杜, 拉伊德.马克斯和沙迪哈达.艾哈迈德的日期。


台湾行政院主计处表示,今年第1季的经济成长率是负10.24%,也因此使得全年的经 济成长率下修到了负4.25%,双双创下台湾有史以来的经济成长率最大衰退幅度。主计处指出,金融海啸重创全球景气的力道超乎预期,导致台湾的出口动能持续的 下降,今年第1季出口就衰退了32.28%,创下历年来的最大跌幅。主计处也认为,今年第1季的经济衰退的情况已经触底,预计第2季开始,经济成长率的衰退幅度将会逐季的缩小。

外资看好中国房市 专家疑有阴谋

瑞银、摩根士丹利、摩根大通等外资投资银行最近发布房地产走势预测,纷纷看好 中国房市。但大陆专家以“阴谋论”质疑投资银行的动机,认为目的只为吸引人接 盘,高位出货。上海社会科学院经济所经济景气研究室主任刘□松也认为,目前大 陆房市价格已偏高,上涨不具有可持续性。外资在大陆房市“逃还来不及”,不排 除外资“唱高”大陆房市然后趁机出货的可能。驻上海的戴德梁行中国区行政总裁 张国正说,过去大陆甲级办公楼的租户中,本地公司仅占25%至30%,其余都是外资 公司,但目前本地公司的比例已提升至35%至40%。


Barak: Israel must evacuate outposts

Speaking on Army Radio, the defense minister went on to reiterate Israel's obligation to evacuate illegal outposts. "We have commitments from previous governments to the Road Map. We must do this in that context."..."The important thing that needs to happen now is that the government must undertake peace efforts as brought forth in the Road Map. Then we should evacuate," Barak said in the interview.

In light of worldwide criticism of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who has to date not uttered the words 'two-state solution' when referring to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as prescribed by the Road Map and as undertaken by previous governments, Barak said "we've been saying 'two states' the whole time. Saying these words will not make the Palestinians embrace us nor will they magically make the Iranians stop their nuclear program."

"In the White House sits a serious man," Barak said of President Barack Obama, commenting on Netanyahu's recent visit to Washington and increasing calls by US officials to halt settlement activity. "We need to sow intimacy between Israel and the US," he continued. "We need it for combating Iran and for achieving peace with the Palestinians. Netanyahu has serious considerations and tough decisions to make."..."America needs to know that we are committed to peace.When they see that we are committed to the Road Map, when they see that we want to advance a comprehensive agreement, that we want to see a thriving Palestinian economy, they will lessen the pressure regarding settlement expansion for reasons of natural population growth. It is a valid reason," Barak added.

US: Jerusalem's status open to discussion

The US State Department said Sunday that the future status of Jerusalem would be determined through peace negotiations, after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's declaration Thursday that the capital would never again be partitioned and divided. "Jerusalem is a final status issue. Israel and the Palestinians have agreed to resolve its status during negotiations. We will support their efforts to reach agreements on all final status issues," a State Department spokesman said when asked to respond to Netanyahu's proclamation.

Mullen to Israel: Don't bomb Iran now

As Israel seeks to win Washington's support for waging war on Iran, the top US military officer warns of serious unintended consequences of military strikes on the country at the present time.

"I think the unintended consequence of a strike against Iran right now would be incredibly serious, as well as the unintended consequences of their achieving a weapon"..."That's why this engagement, dialogue is so important," Mullen added.

Mullen, however, claimed that Iran is clearly moving toward acquiring a nuclear weapons capability and stressed the United States 'would approach Iran with all options on the table.'... "So that would leave a pretty narrow space in which to achieve a successful dialogue and a successful outcome, which from my perspective means they don't end up with nuclear weapons," he said.

Pakistan ready to 'phase out' nukes

Pakistan's ambassador to the US Hussein Haqqani said Saturday that Islamabad will give up its nuclear arms should India agree to follow the trait. "Everybody in the US government who knows anything about nuclear weapons knows that Pakistan has a very secure nuclear program. It is a very limited nuclear program to maintain deterrence vis-à-vis our neighbor," Haqqani was quoted by Geo TV as saying. "Pakistan is willing to engage with our neighbor for a comprehensive settlement in which the nuclear weapons can be phased out by both countries," he added. He ruled out the possibility of revealing the details of Pakistan's nuclear assets to Washington.

'CIA runs operation in Pakistan'

CIA and Peshawar police jointly raided a house in the area on a tip-off, Pakistan's The News reported. Three terrorists that planned to carry out suicide attacks were among those arrested during the Saturday operation, the report added. The arrested terrorists have been transferred to an unknown place for interrogation.

Taliban link peace to US troops pullout

In reported talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban, militants have hinged a US troop pullout from Afghanistan a possible peace accord--the talks had been under way for months with the Taliban group led by Mullah Omar, the leader of the insurgents.

Sources said discussions were also being held with representatives of several warlords in the tribal belt along the shared Pakistan-Afghanistan border, where insurgency has surged over some past months.

The intermediaries also say the talks had picked up the pace since President Barack Obama took office in January. President Obama has spoken in the past about the need to coax moderate Taliban into laying down arms, as part of a new strategy.

Pakistan, Iran finally sign gas pipeline accord

After fourteen years of delayed negotiations over the Iran–Pakistan–India (IPI) gas pipeline project, Pakistan and Iran have finally signed the initial agreement in Tehran on Sunday.

The IPI project was conceived in 1995 and after almost 13 years India finally decided to quit the project in 2008 despite a severe energy crises in that country. Pakistan is also facing severe criticism from the US over any kind of economic deal with Iran.

Official sources say that the sudden change of stance from the Pakistani government and the pace of developments at the project suggest that the strong US opposition has softened.

Timeline: N Korea's bomb programme

1986: begins operations of a 5-megawatt reactor with Soviet help.
1993: announces it will quit the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, later suspends its withdrawal.
1994: North Korea and the United States sign an agreement in Geneva. The North pledges to freeze - and eventually dismantle - its plutonium-based nuclear weapons programme in exchange for help building two power-producing nuclear reactors.
17/09/1999: Bill Clinton, the US president, agrees to first major easing of economic sanctions against North Korea since the Korean War's end in 1953.
23-24/10/2000: Madeleine Albright, the US secretary of state, visits Pyongyang.
29/01/2002: George Bush labels North Korea, Iran and Iraq an "axis of evil."
4/10/2002: North Korea tells visiting US delegation it has a uranium enrichment programme.
11/11/2002: US and Japan, South Korea - halt oil supplies to the North promised in the 1994 deal and suspend construction of two new reactors.
10/01/2003: North Korea says it will withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
27-29/08/2003: North Korea joins first round of six-nation talks.2
5-28/02/2004: Second round of six-nation talks.
23-26/06/2004: Third round of six-nation talks.
10/02/2005: North Korea announces it has nuclear weapons.
26/07/2005: Fourth round of six-nation talks is held.
September 13, 2005: Six-nation talks resume.
15/09/2005: US blacklists Macau-based bank for alleged counterfeiting and money-laundering by North Korea, leading the bank to freeze North Korean assets.
19/09/2005: North Korea promises to dismantle nuclear programmes in exchange for pledges of energy assistance; US says it has no plans to invade, and will respect North's sovereignty in an agreement ending talks.
9-11/11/2005: Fifth round of six-nation talks.
3/01/ 2006: North Korea says it will not return to talks unless the US lifts financial restrictions imposed in 2005.
5/07/2006: North Korea launches seven missiles into the Sea of Japan, drawing international condemnation and a UN Security Council resolution condemning the act.
9/10/2006: North Korea says it has conducted its first-ever nuclear test.
14/10/2006: UN Security Council unanimously adopts a resolution imposing wide-ranging economic and diplomatic sanctions on North Korea for its nuclear test.
18-22/12/2006: Six nations envoys meet in wake of nuclear test, no breakthrough made.
16-18/01/ 2007: US and North Korean envoys meet in Berlin.
8-13/02/2007: Six-nation talks resume in Beijing, a tentative agreement on disarming Pyongyang is reached. The draft plan contains commitments on disarmament and energy aid along with "initial actions" to be taken by certain deadlines.
14/072007: North Korea says it has shut down the Yongbyon reactor.
6/09/2007: Israeli plans attack and destroy a site in Syria. After months of speculation the US later says the site was a nuclear reactor under construction with North Korean help, following a design similar to the Yongbyon plant.
11/2007: North Korea begins disabling Yongbyon reactor under surpervision of international - including US - experts.
31/12/2007: North Korea misses agreed deadline for it to submit a full declaration of all its nuclear activities.
05/2008: North Korea hands US officials more than 18,000 pages of records on the Yongbyon plant. The US later says it will provide 50,000 tons of much-needed food aid to North Korea as a humanitarian gesture.
26/06/2008: North Korea hands over much-delayed declaration of nuclear activities. US announces it will remove North Korea from list of state sponsors of terrorism.
27/06/2008: In a symbolic gesture of its commitment to ending its nuclear programme, North Korea destroys the cooling tower at its Yongbyon nuclear plant. The reactor itself had already been disabled.
12/07/2008: Negotiators from six nations agree on steps to verify nuclear disarmament. North Korea is to finish disabling Yongbyon by the end of October while the US, China, Russia, Japan and South Korea would complete deliveries of fuel oil and other economic aid.
24/07/2008: Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, and Pak Ui-chun, North Korea's foreign minister, meet during the highest level of diplomatic contact between the two countries in four years, to reaffirm commitments to nuclear disablement.
26/08/2008: North Korea announces reversal of disablement work at Yongbyon facilities in response to the US' refusal to remove Pyongyang from its list of state sponsors of terrorism.
11/10/2008: The US says it will take the North off the list following a verbal agreement it will continue dismantling the nuclear plant.
23/02/2009: Sorth Korea says North Korea has a new type of ballistic missile capable of reaching northern Australia and the Pacific island of Guam.
5/04/2009: North Korea launches a rocket carrying what it insists is a communications satellite, but the move draws accusations it was testing a long-range missile. The UN Security Council responds by imposing further sanctions.
14-25/04/2009: North Korea announces move to quit six-party nuclear talks and re-start operations at partly-disabled Yongbyon. It also expelled UN inspectors, and later announced that the reprocessing of spent fuel rods has begun.
29/04/2009: Angered by criticisms over its rocket launch, the North threatens to conduct nuclear test and test long-range ballistic missile unless the UN Security Council apologises for imposing sanctions.
7/05/12, 2009: Special US envoy on North Korea visits Asia, saying Washington is ready for direct talks with Pyongyang. But the North dismisses the offer as useless, citing the US' "hostile policy".
25/05/2009: North Korea confirms successful underground nuclear test, raising the explosive power and level of control of its nuclear device. The test raises regional tensions and draws international condemnation.