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斐济社区24日在悉 尼市中心举行集会 要求斐济结束军政 统治,回归民主






















































































































陆克文说,北韩的核野心对地区的和平与稳定构成威胁。“北韩的核试验, 再加上它正在执行的导弹开发计划也是挑衅性举动。对此,国际社会必须做出一致的回应,必须制定对付平壤的统一行动纲领。联合国安理会必须拿出针对这个政权的总体方案,这个政权对我们的共同安全毫不顾及。”陆克文表示,美国是亚太地区起稳定作用的力量,而在今后至少二十年将会继续是主要大国。

日美防长举行会谈 不承认朝鲜是有核国家













《纽约时报》27日在社论:安理会制裁效果不大 西方盼中国施压北韩







美国总统奥巴马敦促澳大利亚政府接收关塔那摩监狱的一批中国维吾尔族囚犯。美国政府拒绝让他们在美国定居,却希望第三国接受这些囚犯,并已请求澳大利亚政府协助。中国政府一直要求美国将这些维吾尔人交给中国。 美方认为这些人回到中国后会受到迫害,因此拒绝将他们交给中国政府。中国表示,这些维族人是恐怖分子。







4月中国用电量同比降3.63% 降幅扩大




Pakistan Army Claims Control of Main Town in Swat Valley

Pakistani troops have retaken the largest town in the Swat Valley from the Taliban as the army presses its offensive against militants in the country's northwest, the army spokesman said Saturday. The military launched the offensive one month ago in the Swat Valley and neighboring areas to oust Taliban militants who were extending their control over the northwestern region, near the border with Afghanistan. Government troops had been advancing steadily into the Swat region, bombarding towns from the air and fighting house-to-house with Taliban gunmen. Many militants had fled the town instead of confronting troops in a final battle, despite the military saying earlier that escape routes had been closed.

Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira said the number of people uprooted from their homes by the fighting had reached ''around 3 million,'' and that more than 190,000 of them were living in refugee camps. The rest are staying with relatives or relying on goodwill from local residents.

North Korea 'may' launch more long-range missiles

The signs indicate that the North is preparing to transport a long-range missile at a site which Pyongyang used to fire long-range missiles last month, two defense officials in Washington told AFP on Saturday. South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported that the size of the missile was similar to a long-range rocket the North tested in April.

Jundullah claim responsibility for Iran blast

The Jundullah terror group has claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack that killed at least 25 people in southeastern of Iran. The group's spokesman Abdolrauf Rigi contacted the Pakistan-based office of the al-Arabiya television network to report a bombing in a mosque in the Sistan-Balouchestan province. The group reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack.

In a Friday statement, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, expressed his deepest condolences and warned against such seditious acts. Blaming Iran's enemies and their intelligence services for trying to sow discord among Muslims, the Leader said the terrorist attack was designed to destabilize the country. Tehran's Interim Friday Prayers Leader, Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, put the finger of blame on the US and Israel, calling the attack "a scheme to drive a wedge between the Shia population and the Sunni minority in Iran."

The Pakistan-based terrorist organization denies having any link to Washington but ABC news reported in 2007, citing US and Pakistani intelligence sources, that the terrorist group "has been secretly encouraged and advised by American officials" to destabilize the government in Iran.

Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed another report in July 2008 that US congressional leaders had secretly agreed to former president George W. Bush's USD 400 million funding request, which gives the US a free hand in arming and funding terrorist groups such as Jundullah militants.

Iran calls in Pakistan envoy over mosque bomb

Mohammad Bakhsh Abbasi was summoned after Iran’s state television quoted the pan-Arab channel Al-Arabiya as saying that the Jandullah (Soldiers of God) group said it was behind Thursday’s mosque attack which killed 25 people. According to state television, the chief of the Iranian armed forces, General Hassan Firouzabadi, said on Saturday that Iran ‘has located the base of the group’s head and informed Pakistan’s government of his arrest.’

The Iranian authorities said they immediately arrested three men involved in the bombing. The trio were executed on Saturday morning near the mosque in Zahedan city, the capital of Sistan-Baluchestan province.

In recent years, the restive province has been the scene of a deadly insurgency by Jundallah, which is strongly opposed to the government of predominantly Shiite Iran.

The province has a substantial Sunni minority and lies on a major narcotics-smuggling route from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Hezbollah on 'high alert' as Israel prepares drill

Unnamed army sources said Saturday that the Lebanese Army has heightened its security measures along the southern border with Israel to repel possible threats during Israel's 'Turning Point 3' military exercise which will last for five days, Al Manar reported Saturday.

In addition to the military patrols, Hezbollah forces will be on full alert "to respond to any possible aggression", according to the report.

Israel's National Emergency Authority Chief, Brig. Gen. (res.) Ze'ev Zuk-Rom, said formerly that the drill is to be held based on the lessons Israel learnt during its war against Hezbollah in the summer of 2006.

Iran starts Persian gas pipeline construction

Iran says it has begun construction of the 1,740 kilometer Persian Pipeline to ship Iranian natural gas from the Persian Gulf to the European market.

"The Pars [Persian] Pipeline will go from Turkey to Greece, through Italy and on to other European countries," said Ahmad Noorani, the head of economic affairs at the Iranian embassy in Turkey on Friday.

In 2008, Tehran and Ankara reached a deal on the development of the South Pars gas field and the transfer of Iranian gas to consumers in Europe.

According to the deal, Turkey plans to help Iran produce 20.4 billion cubic meters of gas annually and export it over Turkish territory.

Ankara currently imports 28 million cubic meters of gas daily from Iran through a gas pipeline. Noorani says Iran also plans to send its gas through the Nabucco pipeline.

The proposed 3,300-kilometer Nabucco pipeline aims to carry natural gas from Central Asia via Turkey and the Balkan states to Austria, bypassing Russia and Ukraine.

"Current talks are ongoing regarding the development of Assaluyeh phases 22, 23, and 24 in the South Pars field. Construction is continuing on the 1,740 kilometer pipeline with participation of [Turkey and Iran's] private sectors," Reuters quoted Noorani as saying.

He suggested "Another route could go through Iraq and Syria and then go through the Mediterranean to Greece and Italy."

If Tehran's plans are put into play, Iran may emerge as an alternative to European reliance on Russian supplies.