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美国房屋价格今年头3个月下跌了14%。美国50个州中除了6个州之外其他所有州的房屋价格都有所下降。由于银行收回房屋出售时为了迅速脱手通常大打折扣, 房屋业主拖欠房屋贷款的房产被强制出售时的价格也被压低。



Freddie Mac公布第一财季亏损98.5亿美元,主要受住房抵押贷款违约成本上升拖累;该公司表示,需要从美国财政部再获得61亿美元注资。





Taliban warns Pakistani politicians

The Taliban in Pakistan has warned politicians from the Swat valley that they and their families will be attacked unless they quit their posts protesting against the continuing army offensive in the troubled region. The warning came hours after suspected Taliban fighters attacked Nato supply trucks at a transport terminal near the northwestern city of Peshawar, destroying eight vehicles. Imran Khan said the warning signalled a "dark turn" in the unfolding events in Swat where the Pakistani army is battling Taliban fighters. "They can make these threats and people will take them very seriously." 

Pakistan Says 1.3 Million Flee Fight With Taliban

The exodus, if it proves to be as large as the government says, would be one of the largest migrations of civilians in the region since the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, when as many as 14 million people left their homes for one of the newly independent countries.

The Pakistani government and relief agencies have set up a string of camps and food distribution centers in the area, but not nearly enough to accommodate all the people who need them. On Monday, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani appealed to foreign countries to help Pakistan deal with the human tide. On Tuesday, the United Nations said it was sending 120 tons of emergency supplies to Pakistan to help with the flow of refugees.

Pope talks 'terrorism', Palestinian state in Israel

Pope Benedict XVI throws his weight behind the idea of a sovereign Palestinian homeland but shows tacit support for Western talk of Palestinian "terrorism".

"The Holy See supports the right of your people to a sovereign Palestinian homeland in the land of your forefathers, secure and at peace with its neighbors, within internationally recognized borders," the Pope said Wednesday as he entered the West bank city of Bethlehem.

He also offered his sympathy for the families of those who lost their lives or properties in the latest Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip, which left nearly 1,350 Palestinians killed and thousands wounded.

"I know how much you have suffered and continue to suffer as a result of the turmoil that has afflicted this land for decades. My heart goes out to all the families who have lost so much," he continued.

The pontiff also unveiled plans to visit a refugee camp that houses Palestinian families who were driven out of their homes in 1948.

"To those among you who mourn the loss of family members and loved ones in the hostilities, particularly the recent conflict in Gaza, I offer an assurance of deep compassion and frequent remembrance in prayer," said the Pope.

Although the pontiff refrained from acknowledging that the establishment of Israel has unleashed 61 years of aggression upon the Palestinian nation, he did put direct focus on the Palestinian retaliations that have emerged in recent years.

"Have the courage to resist any temptation you may feel to resort to acts of violence or terrorism…Instead, let what you have experienced renew your determination to build peace," he said.

Palestinian youths, the Pope said, must not "allow the loss of life and the destruction that you have witnessed to arouse bitterness or resentment in your hearts."

The 82-year-old pontiff -- whose agenda in the Middle East is to bring the followers of Christianity, Islam and Judaism together -- will wrap up his first official visit to the West Bank on Friday when he is scheduled to fly back to Rome.

Russian President endorses national security strategy until 2020

The preamble of the document notes that prerequisites have been formed to prevent threats to Russia's national security. Russia is on the way of becoming one of the leading powers in terms of technological progress, standards of living of the population and influence upon world processes.
According to the strategy, the main threat to Russia's national security is the policy pursued by certain leading states, which is aimed at attaining military superiority over Russia, in the first place in strategic nuclear forces.

Asia Watches Warily As China's Navy Grows

'Ahmadinejad's popularity rises in Iran'

A government survey conducted earlier this month showed that Ahmadinejad had 53.6% support, with Mousavi securing almost the same backing. According to a recent poll, 44.8% of Teheran residents would vote for Ahmadinejad's while some 29% would cast their ballots in favor of Mousavi. On Tuesday, Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, implicitly backed Ahmadinejad.

Supreme Leader: Ulema should get updated in dealing with affairs

The global arrogance resorts to military actions and modern mass media to attain its goals and the role of Ulema in dealing with such a complicated situation is of prime importance, said Ayatollah Khamenei.
The enemies spare no efforts to mislead the youth, students and university students, said the Supreme Leader and advised the clerics to properly and timely confront them.
Iran’s significant progress and development has prompted the enemies to sow seeds of discords between Shiites and Sunnis to create obstacles on the way of development of the Iranian nation, pointed out the Supreme Leader.

Understanding Iran's Deterrence Game

Over the past five years, in public and government documents, the hard-liners have established a doctrine of deterrence that calls for a disproportionate response against the United States and Israel in the event of any attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, no matter how limited. The doctrine stipulates that anything less than a large-scale response would risk the credibility of the Iranian regime — and its survival. And importantly it does not draw a distinction between Israel and the United States, if for no other reason than Israeli jets having to fly across American-controlled Iraqi airspace to hit Iran.

Iran's deterrence doctrine is largely authored by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a wing of Iran's military charged with the protection of the regime. The doctrine is grounded in Iran's experience and study of four wars: the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88), Hizballah's war against Israel (1982-2000 and 2006), the Gulf War (1991) and the Iraq War (2003).

Iran's deterrence doctrine consists of four components:

1) The United Nations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency, cannot deter an attack on Iran — no matter the degree of Iran's openness or compliance on nuclear inspections. Saddam Hussein cooperated with the U.N. and rid himself of weapons of mass destruction, but in the end it did nothing to stop an American invasion. Submission to a strict U.N. monitoring regime will only serve to degrade Iran's national security.

2) Iran will fight the war against Israel and the U.S. outside Iran's border, and Iran alone must determine the area of operations. Saddam Hussein lost his country and his life because he chose to resist the U.S. within Iraq's borders. Iran will respond to an Israeli attack by attacking the U.S. and its allies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank and the Persian Gulf countries. Just as Iran makes clear with bellicose threats by President Ahmadinejad that it would destroy Israel if the U.S. launched an attack, it aims to deter an Israeli attack by stressing the price American forces would have to pay in return.

3) The Iranian regime is capable of sustaining massive U.S. reprisal attacks without falling. In 1991 Saddam's army suffered a catastrophic defeat, the backbone of its army and air force destroyed, a loss of much of the southern part of the country south to Shi'a insurgents, but Saddam held on and remained in power. The Iranian regime believes it can weather the same degree of losses, especially as it has adequately prepared its populace for "martyrdom." As a result, it believes it is able to withstand much greater human and material losses than the U.S. A $100-a-barrel spike in the price of oil and a few thousand Americans dead, its thinking goes, will convince the U.S. to seek a truce.

4. It is well-prepared for a long, costly war. Iran learned how to fight an asymmetrical guerilla war in the 1982-2000 conflict in Lebanon, learning that lightly armed, small, mobile units can beat a larger enemy. Secondly, Iran knows it needs to eliminate any potential fifth column. Saddam's failure to destroy the Iraqi opposition, in particular the Kurdish groups in the north, called into doubt the Iraqi regime's legitimacy. It facilitated the notion that "the Iraqi people" had asked for a foreign invasion to deliver them from Saddam. Iran's crackdown on student dissidents, foreign journalists and dissident political movements should be viewed in this context.

Not all Iranians, of course, agree with the hard-liners' deterrence doctrine, but they do not have a voice in Iran's national security. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei, the Revolutionary Guard and other hard-liners alone determine Iran's national-security policies. And as Israel and the U.S. calculate the costs of attacking Iran's nuclear facilities, they should realize that these decision makers inside Iran have no thought of a limited response.

US firms allowed to invest in Iran oil

There is no barrier for the presence of foreign companies in the Iranian oil industry, says the head of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC).

"The Islamic Republic has always welcomed the investment by all foreign companies in Iranian oil, gas and petrochemical projects, including US firms," Seyfollah Jashnsaaz said Tuesday.

He said there would be no legal obstacle if US firms want to negotiate over their investment in the Iranian oil industry, adding that their return would benefit all parties.

Five American companies and dozens of European firms participated last month in Iran's International Exhibition of Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals.

Iranian First Vice President Parviz Davoudi said earlier that US banks are among the international and foreign financial institutions that have shown an interest in opening branches in Iran.

"Several foreign companies are interested in investing in many fields in Iran, including Iran's banking system, oil, gas and energy," said Davoudi at the 14th International Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals Exhibition in Tehran.