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Troops enter Mingora, fierce street fights erupt

Chief military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said parts of Mingora had already been cleared and that 17 militants, including an important commander, were killed during the most recent fighting of Pakistan's northwest offensive.

The ground assault on Mingora, a city with an estimated population of around 300,000 - of whom many have fled - marks the most crucial part of the military's blistering offensive against the Taliban in the scenic valley.

The military reported intense exchanges of fire and said one would-be suicide bomber was shot dead and that another 'suicide vehicle' rigged with explosives had been destroyed.

Pakistani troops had been slowly tightening their encirclement of the city for days and Abbas said Saturday that militant supplies had been cut off. 'Mingora was surrounded from four directions and militant supplies were cut off,' Abbas told a news conference.

The prospect of an assault on Mingora, which has loomed for days, has raised fears of a bloody battle and the possibility of civilian casualties. US-based Human Rights Watch earlier this week quoted residents as saying the Taliban had mined Mingora and 'prevented many civilians from fleeing, using them as 'human shields' to deter attack.'

US drone attacks counter-productive: Gilani

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said attacks by US drones on Pakistani territory were ‘counter-productive’ because they undermined Islamabad's efforts to isolate militants. ‘Our policy is to isolate militants from the local tribes, but drone attacks unite them.’

CIA director Leon Panetta defended the use of unmanned aircraft to target Al-Qaeda militants and said President Barack Obama's policies had severely disrupted the network's leadership.

Islamabad publicly opposes drone attacks, saying they violate its territorial sovereignty and deepen resentment among the populace. Since August 2008, more than 40 such strikes have killed around 420 people.

US to provide military aid to Lebanon

Washington will provide Lebanon with fighter jets, helicopters, tanks and unmanned aerial vehicles. Biden said Friday that future US aid to Lebanon depends on the outcome of upcoming elections, a warning aimed at Iranian-backed Hizbullah as it tries to oust the pro-Western faction that dominates government.

US officials have said before they will review aid to Lebanon depending on the composition of the next government, apparently meaning military aid. "The election of leaders committed to the rule of law and economic reform opens the door to lasting growth and prosperity as it will here in Lebanon," Biden said. The US "will evaluate the shape of our assistance programs based on the composition of the new government and the policies it advocates."

The Shiite group has only 14 seats in the 128-seat parliament, but got the veto power after a show of force a year ago when its gunmen overran Sunni neighborhoods in Beirut. Hizbullah and its allies have a total of 58 seats, while the Western-backed majority holds 70. The coalition dominated by the heavily armed Hizbullah stands a good chance of winning, which could increase the influence of its sponsors Iran and Syria in the region.

U.S., Afghan forces kill 60 in drug raid: military

The troops were fighting for control of Loy Cherah Bazaar in Helmand's Marjeh city, where they found 75 tonnes of poppy seeds, more than 17 tonnes of morphine, opium and heroin, and caches of weapons and equipment, the military said in a statement.

Afghanistan produces more than 90 percent of the world's opium, most of it in the Taliban's southern heartland. U.S. military officials have estimated the opium trade provides between $80 million and $400 million a year to the Taliban.

Assad: Israel the 'major obstacle' to peace in Middle East

According to AFP, the Syrian leader blamed Israel for the failure of the indirect peace talks, saying that "the failure of the peace process is a blatant demonstration that Israel is the major obstacle to peace."..."Our experience with Israel during indirect peace negotiations mediated by Turkey is further proof of this," The Syrian president went on to defend the right of Palestinians and Syrians to use force against Israel. "The failure of political methods to recover their legitimate rights gives them the right of resistance," he reportedly said.

Syria: Israel's Iranophobia plot to sow discord

The Syrian Foreign Minister urges certain Arab countries not to be deceived by Israeli media hype which tries to spread Iranophobia in the Middle East. “Iran, as a member of the Organization of Islamic Conference, has stood behind Arabs and supported our demands,” Walid al-Muallim told Syrian TV ahead of an OIC ministerial meeting in Damascus.

With the main goal of diverting international attention from a peace settlement with the Palestinians, Israeli officials have strived to disseminate the idea of a so-called “Iranian threat” throughout the Arab world to create divisions between Arabs and Iran.

As Israel rages, US plans for Iran war re-emerge

As Washington gets updates on Israeli plans to strike Iran, US President Barack Obama orders the Pentagon to rejuvenate contingency plans for the use of military in Iran.

Despite the prospects of diplomatic engagement with Tehran over its nuclear program, Defense Secretary and Pentagon chief Robert Gates said Friday that the White House has not ruled out the possibility of a military strike if diplomacy was to fail.

"Presidents always ask their military to have a range of contingency plans available to them," Gates told NBC television. "And all I would say is that, as a result of our dialogue with the president, we've refreshed our plans and all options are on the table."

In a turnabout from the policies of the Bush administration, President Obama says he seeks to diplomatically engage Iran over its disputed nuclear program.

The defense secretary's remarks come shortly after a visit by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington.

Netanyahu told Obama that Israel reserves the right to take unilateral military action against Iran, refusing to make a promise to follow the US lead.

Netanyahu's visit to the US has raised fears that the US president may have failed to avert an impending war in the volatile Middle East.

Obama won't present peace plan in Cairo

The White House denied on Friday that details of a new Middle East peace plan will be publicly revealed by President Barack Obama during his upcoming trip to Cairo next month.
Speaking to reporters during a briefing at the White House, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that although remarks about the peace process will be impossible to avoid, the main thrust of the president's speech will be America's relationship with the Muslim world.

Iran slams US-proposed Afghan political shakeup

Iran raises the alarm over an Afghan political restructuring amid reports of a possible appointment of a US diplomat to a key post in Afghanistan. To address Tehran's deep concern Iran's ambassador to Afghanistan, Hossein Fada-Maleki, met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai earlier this week, IRNA reported on Friday.

"Nobody is better aware of the political structure of Afghanistan than the Afghans themselves," the Iranian envoy told the President, expressing support for the changes based on the viewpoints of the people of Afghanistan, rather than those of foreign forces.

A spokesman for President Karzai, Siyamak Herawi, rejected the claim. "We are not aware of this. We cannot confirm this. There is no truth in it."

Under Afghanistan's constitutional law, there is no role for a prime minister or "chief executive" and the president appoints all regional governors and other top officials under a strong, centralized system.