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最近的以色列民意调查显示,大多数以色列犹太人赞成对伊朗核设施进行军事打击。以色列《国土报》星期一发表的民调结果显示,66%的以色列犹太人支持对伊朗进行这种袭击,15%的受访者表示反对,19%的人不置可否。民调结果还显示,只有38%的人认为奥巴马对以色列态度友好,而73%的人认为布什总统在2007年对以色列态度友 好。









麻生不反对美朝直接对话 前提为推动重启六方会谈

澳投入巨资扩充军备 国防白皮书渲染中国威胁


尼泊尔总理普拉昌达宣布辞去总理职务。在此之前,尼泊尔总统阻止了普拉昌达的毛派政府解除尼泊尔陆军参谋长职务的行动。政府官员星期天说,鲁克曼古德 卡特瓦尔将军被解职的原因是他不服从停止征兵的命令,并且恢复了被国防部解职的8个陆军将领的职务。然而总统拉姆 巴兰 亚达夫命令卡特瓦尔继续担任陆军参谋长。亚达夫表示,解除卡特瓦尔职务的行为违法宪法,因为陆军归属尼泊尔总统指挥。卡特瓦尔被解职是毛派与尼泊尔军方权力之争进一步恶化的最新一幕。毛派希望他 们的战斗人员能够被召入陆军。但是卡特瓦尔拒绝接纳他们。卡特瓦尔表示,他认 为这些前反政府分子的头脑“灌满了政治”。




中国将改革平均工资统计制度 拟涵盖私企和个体户



Australian Bureau of Statistics周一公布,澳大利亚第一季度 八个主要城市已建成房屋的加权平均价格较前一季度下降2.2%,较上年同期下降6.7%。第一季度悉尼房价指数较前一季度下降2.9%,较上年同期下降7.3%。



Pakistan Strife Raises U.S. Doubts on Nuclear Arms

As the insurgency of the Taliban and Al Qaeda spreads in Pakistan, senior American officials say they are increasingly concerned about new vulnerabilities for Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, including the potential for militants to snatch a weapon in transport or to insert sympathizers into laboratories or fuel-production facilities.

'Pakistan expands nukes amid security concerns'

U.S. Options in Pakistan Limited

Pakistan Taliban pact under strain

Israel Faces a Hard Sell in Bid to Shift Policy

The new government of Israel is seeking to reorient the country’s foreign policy, arguing that to rely purely on the formulas of trading land for peace and promising a Palestinian state fails to grasp what it views as the deeper issues: Muslim rejection of a Jewish state and the rising hegemonic appetite of Iran.

Assad: US should listen to Hamas, Hezbollah

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has urged Washington to talk to Hamas and Lebanon's Hezbollah as part of efforts to establish peace in the Middle East.

Speaking to France 3, Assad said that the new US administration is willing to listen to Syria's views and added that Damascus is ready to broker talks between Washington and the Islamic resistance groups.

The Syrian president noted that the US move to regard Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist movements is counterproductive if Washington wants to contribute to peace in the Middle East.

"Politics is when you deal with reality. When you deal with influential parties to influence the position in a positive or a negative way. Hamas has influence and you can not ignore them. You can't achieve peace while Hamas is outside this peace or against the peace," he said, adding that the same was true about Hezbollah.

President says all threat against Iran eliminated

“The nation’s beliefs and perseverance enabled it to overcome the enemy,” he told a gathering of people in Karaj, west of Tehran.

Ahmadinejad stated, “Those who have occupied Afghanistan and Iraq thought they had paved the way for an invasion of Iran and threatened to attack.”

“If they had detected the smallest weakness they would have attacked the entire country… but you eliminated threats against Iran for ever,” he added.

He went on to say that the enemies had thought that by resorting to sanctions and resolutions Iran would give up its nuclear rights and then the time to attack Iran would arrive soon afterwards.

“But we tell you that you were mistaken, you do not know the Iranian nation…it will not back down an inch,” he said

Afghan blasts leave dozens dead

At least 27 people, including the mayor of an Afghan city, have been killed in a spate of attacks, officials have said.

In the deadliest attack on Monday, 12 civilians - four women, two children and six men - were killed by a roadside bomb that exploded as they drove in a tractor in the Shamolzai district of southern Zabul province, Mohammad Wazir, the district chief, said.

"This was a mine newly planted by the Taliban," he told the Reuters news agency.

Taliban fighters later ambushed a convoy of a security firm in another area of Zabul, killing six Afghan security guards and two civilians nearby, Ghulam Jailani, a senior provincial police official, said.

Earlier on Monday, Mohammad Rahim, the mayor of Mehterlam, was among seven people killed by a teenage suicide bomber who blew himself up at the gate of a municipal administration building in the eastern province of Laghman, the interior ministry said.