被提名担任伊朗下任国防部长的人选 瓦希迪因被指参与了1994年阿根廷犹太人中心爆炸案,正受到国际警察组织通缉。阿根廷一直要求引渡这名伊朗官员,他曾经是伊朗革命卫队成员,后来一直担任国防部副部长。1994年在布宜诺斯艾利斯犹太人文化中心发生的爆炸造成85人死亡,几百人受伤。
中国第三季度国内生产总值GDP同比可能上升8.5%,高于第二季度GDP7.9%。彭博新闻社说,政府推出总额4万亿元人民币的经济刺激计划,信贷空前增长和出口需求的改善,可能帮助中国经济今年以超过8%的速度增长。花旗集团驻北京经济学家Ken Peng说:“外部条件的改善正在加快,国内投资和资本流动性继续强劲,经济增长近期会加速,超过官方的目标。”美国信用评级机构中国经济专家Direndra Singh说,中国经济增长的主要驱动力是政府各种刺激措施拉动了内需,但是否能持久值得怀疑。“汽车销售、住房销售和耐用品销售,这些指标都显示消费者愿意花钱,但是否能持续?他们如果没有政府补贴,是否还能继续花钱?我有我的疑问。”
A股大跌提供良机 国际机构建议超配中国股票
截至19日的一周中,全球新兴市场股票基金都出现资金大量净流出的局面,而中国股票基金也遭遇了自2008年第一季度以来表现最差的一周。 8月份的第二周,新兴市场股票基金就已出现资金流入速度明显放缓的情况,而投资中国市场的基金则罕见出现资金流出。在截至8月12日当周,追踪中国股票的基金有4.45亿美元资金流出,此前一周则有少量资金流入。
在过去两周的一轮暴跌之后,瑞银本周发表报告称,中国股市可能会在未来30天内进一步回调,但这一波下跌给可能持续到2010年的牛市提供了一个更好的买入机会。 摩根士丹利的分析团队本周四发表报告称,牛市见顶的时间通常是在紧缩过程中期,而不是在宽松周期结束时。针对中国市场,该行建议投资人抓住深度回调的机会买进。 美国银行旗下的美林证券则认为,中国股市在大跌后有望反弹,因企业盈利有望超出预期,且决策者将维持信贷政策不变。美林的策略师表示,目前中国股市还没有看到拐点。
中国仍轻度通缩 货币政策不需改变 房地产将成为下一步投资接棒者
美式资本主义已失败 诺奖得主吁建全球储备体系
Intimidation and Fraud Observed in Afghan Election
Turnout by female voters in Afghanistan’s presidential election on Thursday was notably low, and women were disproportionately affected by the violence and intimidation, a number of election observer organizations said Saturday.
Observers also noted widespread reports of problems with the election, including evidence of a lack of impartiality among some local election staffers, proxy voting, underage voting and stuffing of ballot boxes, as well as intimidation by the Taliban and also by some powerful candidates, in particular local candidates running for provincial council seats. But election officials said all the reports needed to be investigated, and that it was too early to draw broad conclusions about the overall validity of the vote.
Taliban 'chop off' Afghan voters fingers
Taliban insurgents have reportedly sliced off fingers of some voters in the troubled southern provinces of Afghanistan for casting their ballots on the polling day.
In a news conference in Kabul, observers of the Free and Fair Election Foundation (FEFA) of Afghanistan said that they had witnessed the "illegal and brutal punishments" in southern provinces where Taliban have long thrived.
"Our observers saw two voters whose fingers, with the ink, was cut off in Kandahar. This was on Election Day. This was in the afternoon," said Nader Nadery, the chairman of the group.
The insurgents had warned they would slit throats and chop off fingers of anyone who voted in Thursday's presidential and provincial councils' election.
The fingers of Afghan voters were dipped into a bottle of indelible ink; a measure that prevented them from voting multiple times.
Sources said militants made good on pre-election threats by punishing voters in the violence-wracked Kandahar and Helmand provinces.
The independent sources also fear the turnout may have been as low as 10 percent and up to 25-30 percent in some southern and eastern provinces due to Taliban intimidation.
Iran uncovers 'Zionist plot' against defense nominee
Iran says the international reaction to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's nominee for defense minister is a “Zionist plot” to undermine the new Iranian administration.
“[Ahmad] Vahidi was a deputy defense minister and this is a very senior political position,” Ahmadinejad's press adviser, Ali-Akbar Javanfekr, told AFP. "Therefore it seems that this is a new trick being planned and is basically a Zionist plot."
His comments came after Argentina expressed outrage Friday over the defense minister-designate claiming that he is wanted in connection with the bombing of the Argentine Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) Jewish Community Center, which left 85 dead and wounded more than 300 others.
Ahmadinejad's 'tapping' Ahmad Vahidi for the post is "an affront to Argentine justice and the victims of the terrorist attack", the Argentine Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Buenos Aires has formally accused Iran of carrying out the attack. Tehran strongly denies any involvement in the bombing.
Vahidi along with six other Iranian officials have been on Interpol's list since 2007 in connection with the bombing.
US officials reacted with concern to Vahidi's nomination as Iran's defense minister.
"If this report is true and if this man is confirmed as a cabinet minister and is wanted by Interpol for his involvement in a terrorist act, of course this would be disturbing," State Department Spokesman Ian Kelly said.
However, Javanfekr dismissed the allegations, asking, “How come they have never brought this up in the past?"
Argentina has the largest Jewish community in the Americas outside the United States.
Iranian minister wanted over AMIA attack
In Iraq, security forces have alleged links to terrorists
Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari has accused security forces of collaboration with terrorist groups in recent bombings which killed over 90 people in Baghdad.
"There was collaboration between security forces and the terrorist group to facilitate the passing of this truck through such a sensitive area," AFP quoted him as saying on Saturday.
Zebari, whose office lost 32 staff in two massive truck bombings that also targeted the finance ministry on Wednesday, said "How could this truck pass unless there is collaboration?"
Wednesday's bombings came only minutes apart and killed at least 95 people and wounded about 600 in Baghdad.
Zebari said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had ordered the arrest of 11 senior security officers on Thursday so they could be questioned on how a four-ton truck had entered an area where even two-ton vehicles are barred.
"These people should be held accountable if there is such a penetration," he added.