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Burwood公园纪念军人服役;Chatswood 中学乐队达令港展示风华

斐济社区悉尼集会 要求斐济结束军政 统治,回归民主

































































穆巴拉克将于星期二在白宫与奥巴马举行会晤,集中讨论“巴勒斯坦问题”、恢复陷入僵局的以巴会谈以及中东地区核扩散等安全问题。埃及一直在对立的巴勒斯坦派别法塔赫和哈马斯间进行斡旋谈判,以求建立一个统一的国家政府。 埃及官员说,穆巴拉克总统还将会见美国国务卿希拉里、国家安全顾问琼斯以及国家情报总监布莱尔。


就17日开始的韩美间联合军事演习,朝鲜军队板门店发言人16日说,“主人和其走狗勾结在一起,公开标榜对我们的制裁和‘强硬施压’,并试图将这种野心付诸于实际行动的这次核战争演习,是对准朝鲜民主主义共和国的带有侵略性的战争行为”, “我们将以我们方式的无情的报复、正义的全面战争进行应对”。该发言人对UFG是防御军事演习的解释反驳称:“这一核战争演习并不是要防止谁的威胁,从而维护朝鲜半岛安保的具有防御性质的武力示威。” “如果用核威胁我们,我们也会以核针锋相对,如果用导弹威胁我们,我们也会用导弹进行抵抗,如果将制裁付诸于行动,并把对决带到悬崖边上,我们将以我们式的无情的报复,正义的全面战争进行应对。应该清楚地知道正处在准备就绪状态的我们军队钢铁般的意志和坚定的立场并不是空话。”

日本二战投降六十四年 不同历史观再度交锋









Iranian Opposition Leader Forms ‘Grass-Roots’ Movement

The movement is not a political party — which would require a government permit — but a “grass-roots and social network” that will promote democracy and adherence to the law. In his announcement, Mr. Moussavi countered efforts to portray him as a tool of secular foreigners, affirming his support for institutions like the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij militia, despite the fact that they are widely believed to be in charge of the current crackdown. But he also lashed out at the recent threats aimed at him and his supporters, saying, “Instead of accusing this millions-strong group, you should look to those who have created a poisonous propaganda war that served the interests of the enemy.”

'China, Italy to finance Iran refinery project'

A top Iranian energy official says talks are under way with some Chinese and Italian firms to finance the construction of a refinery in southwestern Iran.

Iran has begun talks with foreign firms to attract about $1.5 billion in funds to invest in Bid-e-Boland refinery after an agreement with a domestic firm was not finalized.

Bid-e-Boland refinery lies in the southwestern city of Behbahan in the oil-rich Khuzestan province.

"We have entered talks with financers from China and Italy for the completion of the refinery," Shana news agency quoted Chief Executive of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Azizollah Ramezani, as saying on Saturday.

He added that the NIGC has so far invested $1 billion in the project, adding that other options were also on the table to finance the project, including the use of foreign exchange reserves.

US 'involved in Honduras military

The United States was involved in a military coup in Honduras that ousted President Manuel Zelaya on June 28, a top aide to Zelaya says.

Before heading to Costa Rica, the Honduran military plane that flew Zelaya into exile stopped to refuel at the Soto Cato air base (Palmerola) where at least 500 US troops are based, said Patricia Valle, the deputy foreign minister of Zelaya.

Palmerola is a Honduran air base that houses US troops who according to Washington conduct counter-narcotics operations and other missions in Central America.

"The United States was involved in the coup against Zelaya," Valle told The Associated Press on Saturday.

The aide however added that she did not believe the highest levels of the Obama administration were involved.

US Embassy spokeswoman Shantel Dalton said she had no information about Valle's claim and could not comment.

International and regional efforts to reinstate Zelaya have so far failed, with some regional leaders alleging that the US - despite condemning the incident - was actually behind the June 28 military coup against Zelaya in a bid to threaten the new leftist alliance in Latin America.

"This threat doesn't scare us; on the contrary, with more force, we will be stronger," said the Bolivian President Evo Morales referring to the June 28 military coup.

Earlier, the ousted president himself criticized Washington for failing to play a bigger role in helping him to reclaim his presidency and failing to impose tougher penalties on the government of interim President Roberto Micheletti.

Meanwhile, the country's interim President Roberto Micheletti is to send a delegation to the US to try to gain inter-national recognition. The mission will meet with foreign ministers of nations belonging to the Organization of American States.

Israeli elected to Fatah council

The Fatah movement of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has elected an Israeli Jew to one of its governing bodies for the first time in the movement's half-century history.

Uri Davis, a sociology professor at the Palestinian Al-Quds University on the edge of Arab east Jerusalem, was elected to the movement's Revolutionary Council, official results released on Saturday showed.

Author of the books "Israel: An Apartheid State," published in 1987 and "Apartheid Israel: Possibilities for the Struggle Within," published in 2004, Davis prefers to identify himself as a Palestinian Jew.

"I hold Israeli and British passports but I consider myself Palestinian above all else," Davis told Fatah delegates at the party's first congress on Palestinian soil and its first since the launch of the Middle East process in 1991.

The academic said he wanted to represent within Fatah's 120-member Revolutionary Council the "hundreds of non-Arab sympathisers who have supported the Palestinian cause."

Davis, who first joined Fatah in 1984, won 31st place among the 80 elected seats on Fatah's Revolutionary Council.

The academic, now aged 66, has long advocated a secular democratic state in all of historic Palestine, rejecting the Zionist project of a Jewish state in part or all of the Holy Land that has been supported by the vast majority of his fellow citizens.