“现在是全世界向新的方向迈进的时候了。我们必须在互惠和互信的基础上,朝新的外交时代迈步。”“我深信,比起人类历史上的任何时候, 2009年是各个国家和人民的利益交错最多的一年。”
联合国安理会将于 24日上午举行核不扩散与核裁军峰会。美国总统奥巴马将主持会议。安理会15个理事国首脑将在会议上通过促进核裁军的决议案,以敦促会员国为消除核试验而努力、加强核不扩散条约,国际社会由此将加快防止核扩散的步伐。
美国总统奥巴马将作为安理会轮值主席主持会议,中国国家主席胡锦涛、俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫等 5个安理会常任理事国首脑将出席会议。非常任理事国利比亚国家元首卡扎菲也将出席会议。
鸠山称日美同盟,“今后也将成为日本的安保基轴。将使之深化。”奥巴马在会谈后向记者称,“日美同盟是两国安全、经济领域的基础。双方间的同盟在 21世纪将进一步强化。”
美国央行在一份声明中说,美国的经济活动在严重衰退后开始改善,不过仍嫌虚弱。鉴于此,美联储表示打算在“一段延长的时间内” (an
extended period)维持现有利率不变。
加拿大皇家银行资本市场利率策略师泽西说,美国失业率眼下高达 9.7%,并且预计会继续升高,因此美联储不可能在2011年之前显著收紧信贷。
除维持利率外,美联储还宣布延长用于购买陷入困境的美国房贷产业债务和证券的 1.45万亿美元计划的截至期限。该计划原定于今年年底到期。但现在延长到2010年3月底。大量房屋丧失赎回权加剧了去年发生在美国的金融危机。
三家造纸公司和美国联合钢铁工人工会 (United Steelworkers)周三对中国和印尼提起了反倾销案,在近期赢得针对中国的一项贸易决定后,又让该工会保护美国其它行业的威胁变成了现实。此案正通过不同于轮胎特保案的一条法律途径进行,可以不需得到奥巴马的批准。
Taliban Widen Afghan Attacks From Base in Pakistan
Senior Taliban leaders, showing a surprising level of sophistication and
organization, are using their sanctuary in Pakistan to stoke a widening
campaign of violence in northern and western Afghanistan, senior
American military and intelligence officials say.
American military and intelligence officials said the Taliban’s
leadership council, led by Mullah Muhammad Omar and operating around the
southern Pakistani city of Quetta, was directly responsible for a wave
of violence in once relatively placid parts of northern and western
Afghanistan. A recent string of attacks killed troops from Italy and
Germany, pivotal American allies that are facing strong opposition to
the Afghan war at home.
These assessments echo a recent report by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal,
the top military commander in Afghanistan, in portraying the Taliban as
an increasingly sophisticated shadow government that sees itself on the
cusp of victory in the war-ravaged nation.
General McChrystal’s report describes how Mullah Omar’s insurgency has
appointed shadow governors in most provinces of Afghanistan, levies
taxes, establishes Islamic courts there and conducts a formal review of
its military campaign each winter.
American officials say they believe that the Taliban leadership in
Pakistan still gets support from parts of the Directorate for
Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan’s military spy service. The ISI
has been the Taliban’s off-again-on-again benefactor for more than a
decade, and some of its senior officials see Mullah Omar as a valuable
asset should the United States leave Afghanistan and the Taliban regain
General McChrystal said in his assessment, which was made public on
Monday, “Senior leaders of the major Afghan insurgent groups are based
in Pakistan, are linked with Al Qaeda and other violent extremist
groups,” and are reportedly aided by “some elements” of the ISI.
Netanyahu hails own 'version' of Obama speech
Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu hails his own 'version' of US
President Barack Obama's UN speech, stressing Israel will not recede to
the 1967 borders or freeze its illegal settlement activity.
In a Wednesday interview with Ynet news website, Netanyahu praised Obama
as he 'unequivocally supports Israel as state of Jewish people' in his
speech to the UN General Assembly.
"This is a question I asked him during our meeting yesterday. I told him
there would be peace only if the same Palestinians asking us to
recognize Palestine as the nation state of their people would recognize
Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people," Netanyahu said.
The prime minister and other Israeli officials' praising of the US
president's speech came while they were apparently ignoring the US
leader's slamming of settlements.
Netanyahu also said he was satisfied with the tripartite summit with
acting Palestinian authority chief Mahmoud Abbas and Obama in New York,
the meeting which many inside and outside Israel evaluated as not very
"I think it was a very good meeting. President Obama also described it
as such to the UN. In recent months there has been a warming of ties and
almost daily contact between Israel and the US."
Questioned on the summit's achievement with regard to Washington's
insistence on a halt to Israel's settlement construction, Netanyahu
acknowledged the difference between Israel and the US on the issue of
"This is nothing new. It has existed for 40 years," he said, explaining
that he was happy because Obama 'removed the Palestinian demand for the
setting of preconditions' and urged 'it is not something that should
prevent negotiations, because in any case the issue will be discussed
within the negotiations'.
Netanyahu interpreted Obama's reference to the Israeli 'occupation that
began in 1967', as a reference to a clause that exists in the Road Map
rather than a call on Israel to return to the 1967 borders.
"Previous governments have not agreed to go back to the 1967 borders and
certainly this one won't."
Tel Aviv's refusal to stop settlement construction remains an obstacle
to the resumption of long-stalled peace talks between the Palestinians
and Israel while thorny issues of the borders, the Palestinian refugees,
and Jerusalem's ownership remain unresolved.