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Burwood公园纪念军人服役;Chatswood 中学乐队达令港展示风华

斐济社区悉尼集会 要求斐济结束军政 统治,回归民主































































































美国特使会晤以总理 讨论定居点争议











亚洲开发银行董事总经理Rajat Nag星期一表示,亚洲新兴经济体虽然在上半年的复苏表现相当强劲,在世界主要经济区中非常突出,特别是中国二季度增幅高达7.9%,但目前亚洲地区的复苏依然相当脆弱,下半年经济增长幅度将会低于上半年。复苏力度减弱的主要原因是发达国家,特别是美、欧贸易需求和市场需求要更为疲软。









Del-Nat Tire总裁Jim Mayfield表示,未来60天市场就将见到大幅度提价举措。Del-Nat Tire是中国轮胎在美国的主要进口商和分销商。他预计,“入门级”轮胎价格可能会增长20%-30%。低端轮胎的价格大约在每个50-60美元,而顶级轮胎售价在200-250美元。




Global Trade Alert (GTA)周一发布的报告显示,贸易保护主义风潮正在袭来,近期的中美贸易摩擦不过是冰山一角。GTA的报告称,现在各国政府正在计划、但尚未付诸实施的贸易保护措施多达130项。其中包括提供政府援助资金、提高关税、限制移民以及给予出口补贴等。




在刚刚过去的周末,政界和经济界人士彷佛看到了一场贸易战的雏形。上周五奥巴马政府宣布在从926日起的三年时间里,将向中国产汽车轮胎征收25%35%的进口关税,这将使占美国市场17%的轮胎面临定价过高的问题,并迫使零售价水涨船高。中国政府周一表示,已就美国的惩罚性关税措施向WTO提起了正式申诉。就在周日,中国商务部(Ministry of Commerce)发表公告称,将对美国产汽车部件以及肉鸡产品启动反倾销审查。

China Watched for Sign of New Leader

Analysts will watch the meeting, the annual plenary session of the party’s 17th Central Committee, to see whether Vice President Xi Jinping is given the additional title of vice chairman of the Central Military Commission.

Such an appointment would be seen as a confirmation that Mr. Xi, 56, is set to succeed President Hu Jintao when Mr. Hu’s second term ends in 2012. Any Chinese leader must have experience in leading the military, which is under party control. Mr. Hu was awarded the same post in 1999, three years before he became the party’s general secretary in 2002.

Mitchell makes last push for concessions on settlements

George Mitchell's meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu came a day after the Israeli leader rejected US calls for a settlement freeze.

Netanyahu had said plans to build nearly 3,000 new apartments in the West Bank would remain on course and that there would be no restrictions on expanding Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem.

Netanyahu reiterated his willingness to suspend for a limited time any other new construction in the West Bank, hoping that would be enough of an overture for the Americans and the Palestinians. But that trade-off hasn't elicited much enthusiasm in either quarter.

As they entered their meeting, Mitchell expressed hope of bringing "this phase of our discussions to early conclusion" and to "move forward in our common search for comprehensive peace in the region."

Mitchell said he hoped in his meetings with Netanyahu, and later Tuesday with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, to bridge the differences and set the stage for the first encounter between the Palestinian and Israeli leaders since Netanyahu took office in March.

On Monday, Israeli diplomatic officials had said that it was unlikely that Tuesday's meeting would lead to any declaration of a US-Israel agreement on the settlement issue, but rather to a further "narrowing of the gaps" that might enable the relaunching of diplomatic negotiations with the Palestinians.

The officials stressed, however, that whether or not Netanyahu, Abbas and US President Barack Obama met on the sidelines of next week's UN General Assembly was not up to Israel, since Jerusalem had already said it was willing to start talks immediately. Rather, the officials said, the PA would have to decide whether it would come to the negotiating table even though Israel would not agree to a total settlement freeze.

The Prime Minister's Office issued a statement Monday night saying "a meeting has not yet been set to launch the diplomatic process."

Also Tuesday, Israeli officials said that President Shimon Peres met clandestinely with chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat in Jerusalem last week to try to pressure the Palestinians to meet with Netanyahu.

Turkey to 'host' talks between Iran, West

As Iran sets October 1 as the date for wide-ranging talks with six world powers, European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana says Turkey will probably host the meeting.

"It has not been finally decided, but I think very likely it will be Turkey," Solana told reporters in Brussels when asked about venue of talks between Iran and the West.

The meeting arrangements come after Iran presented its new package of proposals to the six major powers -- Russia, China, Britain, France and the US plus Germany --, aimed at solving global issues.

Solana added that Western policy remained "twin track" -- to offer incentives to Iran in exchange for abandoning a military nuclear program.

Western countries, spearheaded by the US and Israel, accuse the Islamic Republic of pursuing a clandestine military nuclear program and have been pressuring Tehran to halt its enrichment activities.

Iran, however, denies the allegations and has called for the removal of weapons of mass destruction worldwide.

While Iran is already under three rounds of UN Security Council sanctions resolutions for its enrichment work, tougher sanctions are likely to be considered if talks fail.

However, Solana said the time was not ripe to talk about fresh sanctions. "At this point in time we are going to try to enter into negotiations," he said. "Let's talk about that."

Solana, who has been representing the West in long-running efforts to resolve disputes over Iran's nuclear case, refrained from giving an exact response when asked how much he thought the new talks could achieve.

"I always intend to try and achieve as much as possible in the negotiations. But it is not the first time we meet. We know each other well," he said.

He hailed the upcoming meeting as a step-change for US involvement and said, "There are some things that are new: the Americans will be present in a formalized manner; that is new, and I think that has to be evaluated positively by the Iranians."

The US State Department said Monday that Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns would attend the October meeting.

Burns will stick to US stance over Iran's nuclear activities and will insist that "the clock is running down" for Iran to be responsive to Washington's concerns, according to the State Department.

The last meeting between Iran and the West took place in July 2008 in Geneva.