奥巴马 22日在纽约会晤中国国家主席胡锦涛时承诺,美国将继续致力于自由贸易,胡锦涛则呼吁妥善处理两国关系中的敏感问题。两人谈到了美国向中国输美轮胎征收惩罚性关税而触发的贸易纠纷,中方对这个问题仍然感到关注。奥巴马注意到双方在这个问题上有分歧,但他坚定承诺美国将继续致力于自由贸易,并抵制保护主义。奥巴马与胡锦涛还就伊朗核计划交换了意见,美方呼吁中方在朝鲜核计划问题上与美方展开合作。
奥巴马:对中东和平要有 "紧迫感"
奥巴马在会议开始前首次分别会见了以色列领导人和巴勒斯坦领导人,进行了他所谓的 "坦率而富有建设性的"会谈。
在随后的新闻发布会上,美国中东特使米歇尔说,解决定居点问题不是谈判的先决条件。他说,存在 "许多障碍",但在解决争议问题方面取得了显著进展。
以色列多次拒绝美国和巴勒斯坦关于全面冻结建立定居点的要求。但是在会谈后内坦尼亚胡说,各方基本认为和平进程应该在没有先决条件的情况下尽快恢复。阿巴斯说,他呼吁以色列尊重和平路线图,撤回到国际认可的 1967年边界。
英国首相布朗将在联合国会议上宣布,英国愿意把现有的三叉戟导弹核潜艇舰队从四艘缩编到三艘。联合国安理会将举行会议讨论制止核武器扩散与减少现存核武器库存。布朗将在这次会议上宣布其意向。此前伦敦政府已宣布把三叉戟核弹弹头数目从 200个减少到160个,执政工党内许多议员都希望政府彻底废置这批武器。削减核潜艇建议提出之际,英国政府也正设法减少其严重赤字。
澳大利亚海军军舰图沃柏号星期日收到商船“ BBC葡萄牙”发自也门海域的求救信号。于是一架侦察机和直升机在军舰到达之前前往出事地点,发现持有武器的人在疑似海盗船只上试图放置登船的梯子。军舰抵达现场后,派出登船小组。小组成员说,海盗嫌疑人承认来自索马里,但否认要攻击商船。这些嫌疑人被缴械,并被送回索马里。
昨日,力拓宣布以 3.49亿美元的价格将旗下加铝复合板集团出售给瑞士Schweiter
数据显示,力拓通过出售资产已经回笼资金将近 70亿美元,但分析人士认为,这与其庞大的负债相比仍显杯水车薪。
美国总统奥巴马在接受有线电视新闻网 (CNN)采访时强调了纠正全球不平衡的必要性。他说,我们不能回到中国人、德国人或者其他国家把所有东西都卖到美国的那个时代。奥巴马说,匹兹堡会谈的重点将是要确保走向更为平衡的经济。
经济学家们看到,当前的全球经济危机已经改变了原有的供需模式:当前美国人的储蓄率已经是危机前水平的 4倍;而中国也看到依赖美国消费者带动经济增长的模式是难以持续的。
里昂证券 :中国明年或现贸易赤字
里昂证券( CLSA)亚太地区经济研究部主管Eric
Obama Is Considering Strategy Shift in Afghan War
President Obama is exploring alternatives to a major troop increase in
Afghanistan, including a plan advocated by Vice President Joseph R.
Biden Jr. to scale back American forces and focus more on rooting out Al
Qaeda there and in Pakistan, officials said Tuesday.
The options under review are part of what administration
officials described as a wholesale reconsideration of a strategy the
president announced with fanfare just six months ago. Two new
intelligence reports are being conducted to evaluate Afghanistan and
Pakistan, officials said.
Mr. Obama met in the Situation Room with his top
advisers on Sept. 13 to begin chewing over the problem, said officials
involved in the debate. Among those on hand were Mr. Biden; Defense
Secretary Robert M. Gates; Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton;
James L. Jones, the national security adviser; and Adm. Mike Mullen, the
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
They reached no consensus, so three or four more such meetings are being
scheduled. “There are a lot of competing views,” said one official who,
like others in this article, requested anonymity to discuss internal
administration deliberations.
Among the alternatives being presented to Mr. Obama is Mr. Biden’s
suggestion to revamp the strategy altogether. Instead of increasing
troops, officials said, Mr. Biden proposed scaling back the overall
American military presence. Rather than trying to protect the Afghan
population from the Taliban, American forces would concentrate on
strikes against Qaeda cells, primarily in Pakistan, using special
forces, Predator missile attacks and other surgical tactics.
In Mideast Peace Bid, Obama Pivots in His Demands
President Obama, who has met immovable resistance from Israel over his
demand for a full freeze on settlements in the West Bank, is largely
setting that issue aside as a first step toward restarting Middle East
peace talks.
“Our objective all along has been to relaunch meaningful
final status negotiations in a context that offered the prospect for
success,” Mr. Obama’s special envoy to the region, George J. Mitchell,
later told reporters. “We have never identified the steps requested as
ends in themselves.”
PM, Abbas draw contrasting conclusions
While Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu emerged from his meeting with US
President Barack Obama and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
Tuesday saying that the Palestinians had dropped their preconditions for
negotiations, and that the discussion now centered on the framework of
the talks, Abbas himself announced that nothing less than an Israeli
withdraw to the 1967 borders would enable resuming peace talks.
The prime minister, who termed both his bilateral talks
with Obama and the tripartite talks with Obama and Abbas as "good," said
the importance of the meeting was in its very existence, and that it was
an ice-breaker.
"There was a general agreement by all sides, including
the Palestinians, to renew the negotiations without preconditions," he
The Palestinians, however, did not back down from their
refusal to renew talks with Israel until it declared a complete
settlement freeze, with Abbas insisting that Israel must halt building
in the West Bank, including east Jerusalem.
"In today's meetings, we confirmed our positions and commitment to the
road map and its implementation. We also demanded that the Israeli side
fulfill its commitments on settlements, including on natural growth,"
Abbas said in a statement.
"As for resuming talks, this depends on a definition of the negotiating
process that means basing them on recognizing the need to withdraw to
the 1967 borders and ending the occupation, as was discussed with the
previous Israeli government when we defined the occupied territories as
the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem," he went on. "This was reiterated in
the talks with President Obama and in the trilateral talks. We believe
the American administration will review the positions of the two sides
in the coming weeks to make it possible for us to renew peace talks
based on our stated position."