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Burwood公园纪念军人服役;Chatswood 中学乐队达令港展示风华

斐济社区悉尼集会 要求斐济结束军政 统治,回归民主


















































































温家宝接见日本访华团 期待尽快会晤鸠山








南部非洲领导人呼吁国际社会结束对津巴布韦的制裁。南部非洲发展共同体15个成员国的领导人星期二,在刚果民主共和国结束两天峰会前发出了这项呼吁。南非总统祖玛说,解除制裁是帮助津巴布韦领导人执行一个权力分享协议所需要的。 祖玛星期一在峰会的开幕式上敦促津巴布韦联合政府为执行一年前签署的权力分享协议“扫除障碍”。




据澳大利亚联合新闻社报道,中广核铀业发展有限公司计划收购澳大利亚铀矿出口商能源金属公司(Energy Metals)70%的股份,价值达1.1946亿美元。



中投公司(China Investment Corp.)的管理人员与贝莱德(BlackRock Inc.)、Invesco Ltd.和Lone Star Funds等美国私募股权基金公司的经理商谈了受到打击的房地产资产中的投资机会,其中包括写字楼、宾馆和其它商业地产支持的抵押贷款、实际建筑的所有权等。

分析师说,在美国,商业房地产的价值已比高峰期下跌了35%。显示中投对海外房地产投资的兴趣正在日益增加的迹象是,中投最近投资了澳大利亚大型房地产信托基金Goodman Group,还购买了Songbird Estates PLC的股份,后者是伦敦写字楼及零售商店业主及开发商Canary Wharf Group的主要股东。

此外,据知情人士透露,中投已承诺向摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的全球房地产基金投资约8亿美元,这家基金计划筹资50多亿美元,投资于全球房地产。


Hamas, Fatah set to reconcile by 2010

Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal's recent visit to Egypt has brought the Islamist movement and Fatah closer to ending their differences, sources close to Hamas in the Gaza Strip revealed on Tuesday.

Israeli PM in 'secret' Russia visit over Iran

Amid rumors in the Israeli media about the mysterious disappearance of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reports reveal that he made a secret visit to Moscow to discuss Russian arms sales to Iran and Syria.

Netanyahu stole away to Moscow on Monday, Yediot Aharonot daily quoted anonymous sources as saying on Wednesday.

The premier's office reiterated that Netanyahu had spent Monday at the headquarters of the Mossad foreign intelligence agency.

Moscow also denied that Netanyahu met either Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin or President Dmitry Medvedev.

A spokesman for the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation, which oversees arms exports, declined to comment.

With concerns in the West about military ties between Russia and Iran, an official at Russia's state arms exporter had earlier expressed willingness to consider orders for military equipment from Tehran, should a request be made.

Despite domestic production of fighter jets, Iran seems to be interested in refurbishing its army's aging air fleet.

While Moscow signed a contract with Tehran in 2007 to supply the powerful S-300 missiles to Iran, there has been interminable confusion reigning over the delivery of the sophisticated defense system.

The S-300 surface-to-air system, known as the SA-20 in the West, can track targets and fire at aircraft 120 km (75 miles) away. It also features high jamming immunity and is capable of simultaneously engaging up to 100 targets.

Tehran has opted to acquire the sophisticated S-300 system to counter potential air strikes on its nuclear facilities as Israel continues to mention such measures as prudent in dealing with the Iranian issue.

Israeli and US officials have strongly urged Moscow not to supply the missiles to Iran, and the issue has been the subject of intense diplomatic wrangling for years.

Israeli President Shimon Peres said last month that Russia promised to review a decision to sell Iran the 'game changing' S-300 anti-aircraft missiles.

"President [Dmitry] Medvedev gave a promise he will reconsider the sales of S-300s because it affects the delicate balance which exists in the Middle East," Peres said.

The US, Israel and their European allies -- Britain, France and Germany -- claim the Islamic Republic has military objectives in its nuclear enrichment program.

The Tehran government, however, says the only aim of its nuclear program is the civilian applications of the technology.

The country says that it would have no use for such weapons as it considers them 'obsolete.' Iran has also called for the removal of all weapons of mass destruction across the globe.

Greenspan predicts new market crisis

The former US Federal Reserve chief predicts the world will face another financial meltdown due to the long period of economic prosperity.

"The crisis will happen again but it will be different," Alan Greenspan told BBC on Tuesday.

He said the financiers and governments should get tough on fraud and increase capital requirements for banks to escape a new crisis.

Greenspan, however, said that the economic crisis crippling the world would eventually end in a difficult process.

He said financial crises "have one fundamental source”, and added, "That is the unquenchable capability of human beings when confronted with long periods of prosperity to presume that it will continue."

The collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers caused a worldwide financial crisis and global recession.

Greenspan blamed the trade in US sub-prime mortgages for the global economic crisis.

If it were not the problem of these toxic debts "something sooner or later would have emerged", he said.