介词 preposition 又叫前置词,典型的用法是放在名词短语或代名词前。比如:
of the world, with my best friend, by us, at a hotel.
最常见的介词有 of, in, to, from, with, for, on, at, by; 其次是 about, above,
across, after, against, along among, around, as before, behind, below, between,
beyond, down, during into, like, near, off, onto, over, past, round, since,
than, through, toward(s), under, until, up, within, without.
还有一些是复合介词 complex prepositions, 常见的有:such as, because of,
other than, in addition to, instead of, out of, up to, on top of, by means
of. |